Man vs wave
Channel four television corporation

Man vs wave

We work dawn to dusk to earn our livelihood. In simple words, we call it living a life in a natural way. Undoubtedly, during our life course, we come across both evildoers, as well as a well-mannered fellow. Want we want to become in future solely depends upon what we value, and whom among these two groups we choose to maintain a relationship with.

We, being a sensible creature, filter people as per our choice and plunge unwanted residue far apart in such a way that they never come back. We are characterized as human till our co-operative and caring nature remains robust like a Mount Everest.

We consider Society as our common home, and sincerely support the proposition that living by co-operation is our duty. By birth, we are sprinkled with tenderness and cautious nature, which plays a vital role in nurturing appreciative attitude later in our life.

Waves and human life are similar to some extent, yet are far different than one another.

Well known, waves are taken as most mesmerizing, virtuous, disciplined, thoroughgoing and smooth product of the universe. Wave takes the burden of numerous river and streams that eventually ends up mixing onto them. It still doesn’t get out of controlled but stays sangfroid embracing the burden very graciously and intellectually.

 However, whenever a cyclone or tsunami occurs, wave degrades its natural grace and fails to maintain its sizzling nature. It even becomes destructive; eventually shrugging nearby village and taking the life of people.

Precisely speaking, even waves fail to support its calmness and come under knee when a hazardous and notorious disaster takes place.

Unlike waves, we human being are profusely determined, disciplined and intellectual. We have the capability to manage our devastatingly ruined stage without torturing oneself and any other individual athwart us. We use our conscious and intellectual ability to handle it calmly and perceptively.

This outstanding ability to control excruciating pain by neutralizing the existing problem and circumstances is what makes us extravagantly credible and pure than waves. However, there are always two sides to any propositions.

There are particularly two kinds of human existence in this world; one that is tranquil and luscious than the wave, others is to the infinite level downcast than a wave.

Both of the stated types follow their own way and struggle to match up the speed of time. Former is declared as most peaceful and captive as they owe the sense to act as per the occurred situation; controls psychological and emotional discomfort tactfully.

They enlighten human race and possess an amplifying personality that fascinates everyone.

Latter are genuinely weak in their emotional catalog, undergoes activities haphazardly and breaches norms and values of society. They drastically lose their control over themselves and gets involved in evil activities harming oneself, family, society, and nation as a whole.

Meanwhile, we are defined and recognized according to our behavior that displays publicly. We human beings are alike water which takes the shape of the vessel on which it is poured.

We can shape ourselves the way we want; go forward, harbinger new ideas, pour your intellectual thoughts compactly and crave your unforgettable replica in this world. It’s totally on our hand whether we want to choose a pathway to heaven or pathway to hell. 

The world never desires conflict and rupture. Let us be an example to create a peaceful and resilient life that even beat waves, which is, in a way, most responsible, calm and sincere element in this universe, except in certain situation.


