Man Vs. Microbes
Throughout human history microbes have played a major part in human behavior, its culture and environmental conditions and events. The effects of microbes and the diseases transmitted by them on humans throughout history is unprecedented.
Scientists, for years have differed over the exact definition of a pandemic or an epidemic, but one thing everyone agrees on is that the word describes the widespread occurrence of disease, in excess of what might normally be expected in a geographical region. Throughout history, pandemics have killed between 300-500 million people.
PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN (541-542) Deaths 25 million, Cause: Bubonic Plague. Thought to have killed perhaps half the population of Europe, the Plague of Justinian was an outbreak of the bubonic plague that afflicted the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean port cities, killing up to 25 million people in its year long reign of terror. Generally regarded as the first recorded incident of the Bubonic Plague, the Plague of Justinian left its mark on the world, killing up to a quarter of the population of the Eastern Mediterranean and devastating the city of Constantinople, where at its height it was killing an estimated 5,000 people per day and eventually resulting in the deaths of 40% of the city’s population.
FLU PANDEMIC (1918) Deaths: 20 -50 million, Cause: Influenza. Between 1918 and 1920 a disturbingly deadly outbreak of influenza tore across the globe,infecting over a third of the world’s population and ending the lives of 20 – 50 million people. Of the 500 million people infected in the 1918 pandemic, the mortality rate was estimated at 10% to 20%, with up to 25 million deaths in the first 25 weeks alone. What separated the 1918 flu pandemic from other influenza outbreaks was the victims; where influenza had always previously only killed juveniles and the elderly or already weakened patients, it had begun striking down hardy and completely healthy young adults, while leaving children and those with weaker immune systems still alive.
THE BLACK DEATH (1346-1353)Death Toll: 75 – 200 million Cause: Bubonic Plague From 1346 to 1353 an outbreak of the Plague ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia, with an estimated death toll between 75 and 200 million people. Thought to have originated in Asia, the Plague most likely jumped continents via the fleas living on the rats that so frequently lived aboard merchant ships. Ports being major urban centers at the time, were the perfect breeding ground for the rats and fleas, and thus the insidious bacterium flourished, devastating three continents in its wake and it was beginning of search for the new world and European settlement in all continents which eventually lead for western European empires which last to date in some parts of the world.
MAN VS MICROBES ‘THE LOST BATTLE’. Today microbes are making a comeback and it has caused a major impact on humankind with COVID-19. Although we’ve conquered diseases such as smallpox and polio and mitigated deaths from diseases, in the recent history, more than 1,500 new pathogens have been discovered, according to the WHO - “epidemics in the 21st century are spreading faster than ever before and localized epidemics turns into global epidemics within weeks.
HOW TO WIN THE BATTLE? - Personal hygiene and social distancing is the most critical factors to take-on the battle against COVID-19 and any future and pandemics or epidemics the man kind may face. Vaccines will help us to build mutation faster and disinfectants will help us mitigate the spread of virus. This combination is critically important to with the battle against COVID-19.
Q & A RELATED TO DISINFECTANTS AND APPLICATION. With so many misleading claims out there, you need to know the truth related to disinfectants/sanitizers and its use.
What is disinfectant? ‘A disinfectant is a chemical agent, which destroys or inhibits growth of pathogenic micro- organisms’.
What is disinfection? ‘Disinfection is a process that eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores on inanimate objects.
What is IDM? Its integrated approach to eliminate micro-organisms utilizing a combination of tools and methods while mitigating the environmental impact.
What products are suitable for hand sanitizing? Alcohol based products - According to WHO it should contain 70% alcohol and the product should be registered by relevant authorities in Sri Lanka and certification should be available that the products are manufactured according to WHO guidelines and ‘The time to kill the virus efficacy’ test report should be available. Always request details prior to purchasing.
What is a sanitizer? A substance or product that is used to reduce or eliminate pathogenic agents such virus, bacteria on surfaces.
What products are suitable for surface disinfection? All products should be approved by the WHO to use against COVID-19 virus and the products should be registered in Sri Lanka by the relevant authorities. Always request for the product labels, MSDS, test certificates etc.
Can I install a disinfectant chamber– According to the WHO" Spraying disinfectant on individuals or groups is not recommended under any circumstances. Spraying an individual or group with chemical disinfectants is physically and psychologically harmful and it does not limit the spread of COVID-19. Even if the person infected with the COVID-19 virus, spraying the external parts of the body does not kill the virus inside. For most disinfectants to be effective it needs to be present for an adequate amount of time (5-10 minutes).
Is it recommended to disinfect large outdoor areas? Outdoor surfaces, such as roads, parks, lawns, should not be sprayed with disinfectants. Spraying/Fogging disinfectants over a large outdoor areas cause serious environmental pollution and it is totally undesirable and should be avoided. It also kills non-target species such as bees, wasps,butterflies etc. which are key components in balancing eco system.
Who provides disinfection services? This services are provided mainly in Sri Lanka and globally by the government, pest control divisions attached to public health and private sector pest control service providers. Decades ago, in 1934 disinfection was considered a part of the pest control industry by President Franklin D Roosevelt and his government
The writer– Marlon Ferreira is the Founder/Managing Director of THE EXTERMINATORS (PVT) LTD., Sri Lanka’s premier environmental enhancement solutions provider and the winner of 50 national/international awards for brand, business, industrial excellence, entrepreneurship and environmental leadership and sustainability.