There Was A Man

There Was A Man


There Was A Man!


There was a man who was called Jesus Christ

He was flesh and blood yet paid an awful price

God sent His only Son to pay the ransom for our sins.

All you have to do is accept Him and an eternal life begins.


This Easter when you see all the Easter eggs and children playing with glee.

Remember it was Jesus who paid the price to set you free.

Eternity is a very long time and you don't want to spend it in hell.

This day give Jesus your heart and your soul will be forever well.


Take a moment to think about what He did for you.

Think about the nails his hands pierced through and through.

Think about the pain and the suffering He felt nailed on that cross.

Then remember you have nothing that will pay for your sins and loss


All you have here is just mere things

All the wealth, gold and diamonds crumble beneath Jesus wings.

You can't work hard enough, save enough, give enough or pay enough to safe your soul.

Give your heart to Jesus and live forever in His fold..


Written by Sybil Shearin

All Rights Reserved

Copyrighted 4-2022




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