Man is the sum of his Mind”!! Whilst we know this but I feel this is the time when it truly needs focus as these are the times when human beings resilience is challenged. Whilst everything that we are going through since a year now is what has been unprecedented, challenging, frustrating, depressing, and many such emotions. We are in an emotional roller-coaster of sorts. But in all of this the only people who will come out as winners who consciously know how to keep himself/herself afloat above all the noise around. Knows the power of his own mind.

We may have heard, seen, experienced the power of mind which heals even patients who have been written off by modern science and also best talent in medicine. This is the power which has brought people back from their deathbed, and have comeback challenged every possible theory and have raised as winners. And this is not some sci-fi movie that I am referring too.

So if that is what we have seen or heard then I would say this is actually the time for every human being to work on this power house- OUR MIND. As whilst we can blame China, Geo Politics, Governments, and may such forces but we as common people have very little control on all of them. But what we have complete control is on ourselves, the way we choose to behave, the way we respond and the way we think. And this is the time to make the choice for our own-selves and for our loved ones.

This is the time to control our thoughts, stop reading and experiencing everything that comes on social media and in news, its time to start one’s own health regime, focus on positive news, practice Gratitude and support the society. This constant indulgence of reading every social post and videos, reading all the news and falling prey by constantly thinking negative, getting into depression, bringing this negativity onto ones own-self by constantly being paranoid and discussing same daily is just causing more and more unsettled mind and so unsettled You. And in all of this we make wrong choices of rebelling and letting our guards down, not following protocols needed during these times for social distancing and finally falling prey to Covid 19.

Don’t we all know that going to Kumbh or doing election rallies in these times was not the right option. Why cant we just make our choices, not give into all these selfish power houses whims and fancy and ensure that we “think and take charge” or ourselves first. Yes the fact is that there is loss not just in lives but also livelihoods and it is not easy. But if we have to face these times as ONE global community of people coming together than we will first need to ensure that we have strengthen our minds. Which will happen thorough healthy body and healthy thinking and acting.

“Healthy Mind is a Healthy Body “ and only if we have healthy body is when we can go and help others. Else we will keep becoming prey to all that is around us and keep blaming everybody where we don’t have much control. We are the sum of our mind and if we cant control that, we cant control what is happening around us too.


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