A Man, A Plan, A Brand - Papa Francesco!

A Man, A Plan, A Brand - Papa Francesco!

Dear Clients, Colleagues, Friends and Readers From All Professional Communities on LinkedIn, 

A Man, A Plan, A Brand - Papa Francesco!

No!  The title is not a perfect palindrome.  (i.e., A Man, A Plan, A Canal, - Panama!)  Not by any means. But I needed your attention, so I used the word "BRAND" in an engaging verbal structure.  OK?  OK!  (Speaking of "perfection" ... anybody here?)

Earlier today, I wrote a post-Midnight rant about sad creatures like Kim Davis. Writing like that often doesn't end well.  Witness my failed attempt to provide a link to Bill Maher's "New Rules" from last Friday's (September 25) "Real Time" as a humorous Coda.  Right after I published the link, it was deactivated by YouTube or the rights holder.  So be it.  However, I regret any and all inconvenience.

Once I wiped the egg off my face, I began to reflect.  We seem fascinated by reflections of all different kinds.  Mine is a reflection on:  The Bruised Leaf in Icy Water.

With respect to the Kim Davis situation, we start with Luke 8:17: "For there is not any thing secret that shall not be made manifest, nor hidden, that shall not be known and come to light.”

A spiritual therapist some years ago counseled me that "we were only as sick as our secrets."  God bless her.  Those words became a guide for living and self-disclosure, but hopefully not TMI.

Simply stated, Pope Francis is free to meet with anyone he chooses.  Moreover, he is not perfect.  Does not pretend to be.  And who amongst us is, anyway?  But he is, by all available evidence, a careful and caring man, with a sweet nature and good judgement that reflects considerable discernment.  And few, if any, are entitled to see his guest list.  Mine is not a matter of public record. Yours?  And for Catholic readers, do we know all the people that seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation in local Parishes or elsewhere?  It's "none of our business," as my Mother would say to her inappropriately curious child named Nicky.

To me, the real issue is one of perceived inappropriate screening, counsel and concealment.  The troubles swirling around Ms. Davis are abundant, but not all are self-evident.  Sadly, we've come to live in an age of optics and "judgement" on a grand and inglorious scale.  Those are not the tools of discernment.  Transparency and Full Disclosure are one thing.  Public, Political and Press Opinion are quite another set of matters.

For my part, I completely embrace the Pope's principles concerning conscientious objection and was prepared to file as a CO during the Vietnam War ... in exchange for a comparable period of non-military public service under U.S. law.  Who knew that a low draft number could lead to virtuous reflection, as well as fear and trembling?

What I cannot embrace is the apparent objectification and use of the Holy See as a way to elliptically endorse or circuitously Christen Ms. Davis' bad behavior or mistaken beliefs.  If Ms. Davis is objectively wrong with respect to her understanding of homosexuality and her legal duty, then a firm truth, generous compassion and good example must be used to set her on the right path.  Under the right circumstances, Pope Francis would do this and urge us to do the same, as well.

However, politicians, lawyers, reporters and PR agents are not moral guides or compassionate teachers.  Most often, their lesson is utilitarian in the extreme: the end justifies the means, so just do it!  However, that is NOT the Golden Rule Pope Francis retrieved before Congress.

In the end, it seems the Pope was poorly advised and perhaps even abused by those around him.  Because he held his arms open like Christ to receive saints and sinners, he, like Christ, was vulnerable to harm and to betrayal. The call to goodness and right-thinking applies as much to the Pope's aides and to those who seek the Pope's blessing, as it does to the Pope himself.  And who amongst us has not be harmed and betrayed by colleagues, managers and trusted friends?

It would seem that the Vatican, not Pope Francis, has really erred by apparent concealment.  This suggests other cases of concealment to protect the bella figura of Church and its Leadership.  [Let us not forget Cardinal Bernard Law who was removed from the Boston Archdiocese, but is still regarded as a Prince of the Church.  Instead of being elevated to the Pastor of a famous Roman Cathedral, he should probably have been tried and imprisoned by the International Court of Justice for gross negligence and inhumanity to children. Cardinal Law is the Volkswagen of the Roman Catholic Church, hiding deadly physical and spiritual pollution from Faithful "Consumers" and Trusting "Observers."  In a word, shameful.] 

The truth about the Kim Davis meeting ought to be made public quickly so that Papa Francesco's good, considerable and extraordinary legacy of last week perdures.  So with respect to Pope Francis, we end with Matthew 7:1-3:  "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Please note.  I am not letting The Pope or The Vatican off lightly here.  I am just cutting the rest of us some slack as we let time do its work.  As Shakespeare wrote in The Merchant of Venice (2:2):  “But in the end truth will out.” 


Nicholas P. Schiavone


Coda:  (One that cannot be detached or unlinked.)

At 5 PM yesterday, I witnessed a TV interview with Kim Davis and perhaps her legal representative on CNN.  Sadly, she and her "agent" continue to suffer from verbal incontinence.  Whether it's a matter of law or faith, it would appear to be a one-way street where the Kim's causes and predilections are concerned.  The religious-political right has an insatiable appetite for attention and approbation. Then again, who doesn't?

Like the Vatican, all should remain silent and prayerful.  Freedom of Speech must embrace Good Judgment to work.  Silence can speak volumes.

One hopes Kim & Company will learn fast, so as not to squander the Papal GESTURE made in Good Faith with Divine Love.



Nicholas P Schiavone

President & Managing Member, Nicholas P. Schiavone, LLC

9 年

Thank you for reading & thinking with me. It is gift to know you all these years! Let us continue to continue. Bravo, John Parikhal!

Nicholas P Schiavone

President & Managing Member, Nicholas P. Schiavone, LLC

9 年

BREAKING NOW: The Vatican said Friday that the Pope's "brief" meeting with Kim Davis does NOT constitute support for her positions and that it was NOT a "real" audience. For all those who were so frustrated this week by the games played by press & "religious" right, this shows, as we wrote yesterday, that the Pope was simply being kind to "one of several dozen" people who was presented to him briefly by the nuncio that day. (Bad Nuncio! Bad!) It does not indicate any support for Davis' positions. It also shows the Vatican's willingness to correct the record when a Pope's actions are misrepresented. Peace, NIck -AMDG

John Parikhal

President John Parikhal + Associates

9 年

Poorly advised is likely, Nick. Nice post.


