A man on a mission

Why does the culture of Viewrail stand out from the crowd? Well, perhaps delving into the depths of my mission might provide some answers.

I'm a man on a mission—one that stretches far beyond the realm of stairs and railings. My mission is nothing short of co-creating, hand in hand with my loving heavenly father, a world brimming with love and acceptance, where I unearth the hidden treasures within each person I meet. My tools for this endeavor? The gifts of bold challenges and boundless encouragement.

Let's dissect this mission statement, in the hopes that it ignites a spark within you.

First,? I'm a co-creator, fully aware that I don't craft this world in isolation, but rather in tandem with a loving heavenly father who has placed me here with a purpose. Together, we forge a realm overflowing with love and acceptance because it's the world I yearn for—a world where love flows freely, where I am embraced, and where I can bestow love upon others. Love is not just a way to live; it's the most extraordinary way to live. Engaging in a loving conversation with someone is akin to being tethered to their very soul, leaving one feeling connected and rejuvenated. The exchange of love transcends mere economic transactions, although it can certainly coexist within them. The act of giving and receiving love possesses a profound and eternal quality that I hold dear. This is why I'll never resort to ordering food and drinks through an app. I yearn for human interaction, recognizing that people possess far more value than their economic contributions. I seek a realm that soars in and above economics, a realm where love thrives and economies are built. Love blossoms when conversations transcend material things or processes and journey into the depths of a person's character and emotions. The most profoundly loving conversations occur when I listen or when I am listened to. When someone really “gets me.”? The art of listening and unraveling the sorrows and desires of another person represents a deep and timeless form of love.

Love coexists with and transcends a paycheck or a charitable contribution. I engage in thousands of economic transactions each month, and within each one, there lies an opportunity for love to be shared. Love isn't conveyed through economic means; it's conveyed through emotional investment, the infusion of passion, and the expenditure of energy. Those I employ won't work indefinitely, nor will they receive a paycheck forever, but love can endure eternally.

Closely intertwined with love is acceptance. Oh, how I crave acceptance! The artist within me yearns for acceptance of my designs and ideas, but it's not just surface-level acceptance I seek. I yearn for acceptance that delves much deeper—an acceptance of the eternal essence of who I am. I want to feel that acceptance from you, another eternal being. To receive acceptance, I must extend it. I strive to look deep into the eyes of every person I meet and convey my acceptance.?

I dread the thought of squandering any encounter, which is why I am determined to bestow love and acceptance upon every individual I encounter. Missing the opportunity to give the gift of love would be a tragedy. I refuse to wait until it's too late to love and accept; I want to do it right now, in every encounter. This mission is challenging and exhausting, but it's the essence of my existence.

Searching for the best in every person I meet involves recognizing their outstanding qualities and building relationships based on their strengths. It's an infinitely more rewarding pursuit than the alternative of unearthing weaknesses and attempting to rectify them. There's immense joy in identifying leadership qualities in someone and sharing the incredible traits I see in them. When I do this, it's not uncommon to witness moisture in their eyes as they grapple with their emotions. One of the challenges in finding the best in every person I meet is that I often see more in them than they see in themselves. I frequently nudge and encourage individuals to reach the next level of their leadership and excellence.

I've been blessed with the ability to perceive more in people than they perceive in themselves. By issuing audacious challenges, I aim to awaken the greatness that slumbers within those around me. When I recognize more in someone than they recognize in themselves, it becomes a mission that seems daunting and nearly impossible. Bold challenge is my calling card, and I've lost count of the "impossibles" we've conquered together. As one of our team members eloquently puts it, "Goals are what we do."

In addition to bold challenges, I bring an abundance of encouragement, joining others to transform these challenges into collective triumphs. I offer unwavering encouragement to push through adversity and reach the goals that await on the other side. I provide encouragement when things go awry or mistakes are made. I stand steadfastly beside anyone reaching for the stars, even if they only land on the moon.

At Viewrail, our products are long-lasting, but people are eternal, and we are unwavering in our commitment to treat them as such.


