This is a Man-Made Pandemic. Courtesy of the Chinese Government
How Do You Say “Chutzpah” In Mandarin?
This Is The Chinese Pandemic. Let’s Stop Playing Politics
Concerned about massive restrictions in air travel and business activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Concerned about the damage that’s being done to the US economy?
Keep being concerned.
What started this rodeo is still alive and well and is a real threat.
That’s because not a single action has been taken – by any nation – to recognize, admit and prevent the foundational causes that first created the coronavirus, and of the actions that turned it into what now must – must – be called the China COVID-19 pandemic.
Where the chutzpah comes in is the Chinese government now blatantly and dishonestly telling the world that they were on top of the epidemic from the start and that China had nothing to do with it.
See, it was all a plot by the United States Army. Lying isn’t a problem for the folks in the Chinese Communist Party. (And keep in mind, all of these comments are about the CCP, and not the Chinese people.) True vintage chutzpah.
A Human-Caused Epidemic. All the businesses across the world that are shutting down, all the airlines that are nearly going out of business, and all the people who have died from this pandemic are victims of a human-caused event.
Repeat: despite how some in politics and the media are painting it, this is not a “natural” catastrophe, like an earthquake or typhoon or tsunami. If we want to avoid this in the future – i.e., learn from the tragedy – one cannot ethically ignore the timeline of events and dishonest shenanigans that brought the world into a pandemic situation.
This event is the direct result of political corruption and incompetent handling by the Chinese government. Not the Chinese people, but the thugs running the Chinese Communist Party. The facts are clear.
Delay Any Action – No, Prohibit Any Action – For Weeks. Then, Let Infected People Travel. Here’s fact-based timeline that the PRC government is trying to smokescreen with a flood of recent fictional and self-serving PR stunts to absolve it from taking full responsibility for this pandemic.
? It started in Wuhan. Based on the location of the first set of victims, it was due to the filth and disgusting hygiene at a typical “wet market.” Medical authorities were aware of this virus at least by mid-December, with some reports indicating earlier.
? Intentional actions were taken by the Chinese government to keep the local public in Wuhan – like, 11 million people – uninformed.
? Doctors were threatened by the Chinese government and forced to sign “confessions” admitting that that they were spreading anti-social rumors by reporting on the virus.
? Medical evidence of the communicative nature of the virus was not only covered up by the Chinese government, but medical professionals were threatened with imprisonment if they didn’t stop discussing it.
? The Chinese government intentionally tried to mislead the public, telling them that the virus was not communicative, even to the point of holding massive shows and community meals, to “prove” there was no epidemic.
? The Chinese government, with full knowledge of the contagious nature of the virus, freely allowed millions of Wuhan residents to leave the city to travel across China and the world for the Lunar New Year migrations. That is what differentiated this epidemic from SARS and others.
? The Chinese government knowingly allowed this virus to spread for over two months, before starting – just starting – to take action.
What’s the thread here?
The Chinese government was completely complicit in allowing – and facilitating – this virus to spread and create a pandemic across the world.
The W.H.O.? Okay, Guess Which Nation Is A Major Member. Now, there are the comments from the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) that China acted quickly and aggressively to respond to the first knowledge of the coronavirus, limiting the spread of the virus.
That is a lie, refuted by facts. Remember, China is a major member – a cohort – of the W.H.O.
All The Causal Factors Are Still Operative. The shocking part of all this is that the root causes of the virus – filth and poor hygiene – still exists in China’s markets, and the political system whose policies allowed it to spread also still exists.
Yes, the wet market in Wuhan where the virus is thought to have started has been closed, but the retail system of which it was a part still exists all across China. And the Party clowns who prohibited early medical warnings in Wuhan, and actually allowed its spread, are still in power, lavishing kudos on themselves for their bold decisions. And making as sure as they can that no real facts get on the ‘net.
China is excited to build aircraft carriers and missiles, but outside of huge new cities, its public facilities don’t generally even have soap or toilet paper.
The Timeline: They Let It Spread. Incredibly, the disgusting actions of the Chinese government – literally prohibiting medical staff to even professionally converse about the communicability of the virus, let alone take actions to contain it – have gotten a walk from the rest of the world. To this day, nobody should take any data coming from Beijing as reliable.
They will do it again – heck, they are still doing it. There’s no free press in China, and they try to scrub the internet.
Indeed, the public social events the Party put on in the days just prior to finally having to admit there was an epidemic, including giant communal meals and entertainment events, as well as staged news videos of citizens dancing around demonstrating no need for masks, chanting “Bu pa!” (no fear) – these represent flat out criminal behavior.
Briefly put, even after dozens of reported cases, and muzzling medical professionals, the Chinese government still encouraged such communal events through January 21. Meanwhile, millions of people – many no doubt infected – continued to leave Wuhan, crowding on buses, trains and airplanes, to visit family throughout China for the New Year.
Two days later, after continually claiming there was no communicative virus, the Chinese government did a sudden U-turn and put Wuhan under quarantine – but only after millions had already left. They couldn’t hide it anymore – the virus was popping up all over China. And the world.
Even then, citizens were still being arrested and publicly shamed for discussing the virus and threatening social order.
The outbreak was smack at the start of the Lunar New Year (Spring) festival migration. But the truth remains that the Chinese government withheld information from the public, and did little to stem the travel tide.
Yes, It Is The China Epidemic. There are some US politicians that claim anybody calling this honestly for what it is – China’s Pandemic – is xenophobic or even racist.
Apparently, they put veneer political correctness above identifying the truth. The Chinese government that first repressed actions to contain the virus, and then allowed populations they knew to be infected to spread across China and the world.
It’s called responsibility. Again, this is not an event of nature. It is a human-caused event, and the humans responsible are the Chinese Communist Party, which is the government of China.
The Chinese people are victims, just as the folks in France, Spain, Korea, the Philippines, Italy and the USA. But make no mistake, it is the thugs running the CCP that bear the responsibility and culpability.
Lie About It And Hope The World Buys It. Actually, raising the concept of chutzpah to a new level, now the Chinese government is spreading rumors just as dangerous as the virus itself… that it’s the US that started the epidemic, and it’s China that is the victim.
The story is that the Party must be lauded for boldly and decisively taking heroic actions to protect the people. That, too is a blatant lie.
The Future: A Different Economic Relationship. This now strips bare the image that China had been developing across the globe as a vibrant and emerging symbol of growth. Despite a couple of decades of apparent economic progress, this China virus event shows that at its heart, China is run by the same Party that mowed down student protesters in Tiananmen Square in 1989, with zero care for human life over the Party.
Wanna talk xenophobic, politicians?
All That Travel Enthusiasm Is Vaporized. Business Investment In China, Too. Going forward, the relationship between the US and China (and between other nations and China) will be very different.
At BGI, we see a total 180. Things are fundamentally and totally different from 2016, when we were enthusiastically out-reaching to China for more tourists, and preparing China-Welcome programs for airports and communities. That entire environment is gone.
There is no going back to thousands of Americans taking vacations to visit Guilin, a boat trip up the Yangtze, or seeing Shanghai, or Xi’an. The Party has made it clear that Americans aren’t welcome. As for Chinese tourism to the USA – write it off. Not only has the Party vilified the US in the minds of many of their citizens, but China’s deflating balloon economy is zapping a lot of the discretionary yuan that was formerly in Chinese consumers’ pockets.
But one thing to keep in mind – every one of the major dynamics that caused the COVID-19 pandemic is still in place. And they’re all in China.
Let’s label it honestly, to perhaps prevent another pandemic.
Time Line Highlights
Below are the general points since November – note that it gives the lie to the claim that the Chinese moved quickly to restrict the spread. Instead, they tried to cover it up. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t consider the Lunar New Year migrations that spread the virus across the world.
November 8 – First notice of the virus. There is some indication it may have been actually earlier.
November 30 – A team is reported to have visited from Beijing to investigate. Note that one month later (see next) the Chinese government took steps to stop any reporting by local medical staff regarding the virus. They clearly knew that they has a SARS-type event on their hands and wanted to stifle information.
January 1 -Medical staff in Wuhan were reporting on the virus, noting that is was communicable, and precautions should be taken. They were detained for spreading rumors threatening social order.
January 2 – Doctors involved in treating patients were presented with documents accusing them of spreading rumors and forced to sign “confessions.” This includes Dr. Li Wenliang, who later died of the disease. (His immediate supervisor, Dr. Mei, also later died from treating patients.)
January 11 – First official report of deaths due to the virus. Whether or not this was the first death is not clear. The government still maintained that the virus was not communicable between humans.
January 14 – Continued arrests of independent journalists reporting on the fact that the virus was transferable between humans.
January 18 – The Wuhan Party government holds a Lunar New Years feast for 40,000 families – communal food and interaction – to “prove” no human-to-human virus communication. There were other events held, in complete knowledge the virus was communicable between humans.
January 20 – The Party advised people to wear masks, but nothing mandatory. Gee, we thought the Party said there was no threat.
January 23 – This is less than a week after the Party assured Wuhan citizens there was no problem. Now, they put a quarantine on the whole city. Unfortunately, this was after millions had already left Wuhan for the New Year, and the Party gave an 8-hour notice, encouraging more out-migration.
Post January 24 – it is clear that any representation that the Party took immediate “bold action” to constrict the virus is a lie..
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