A man about his dream
Photo by Jerry Smith

A man about his dream

This man, woke up with a big and scary dream

Holding his head as he think to the scary dream and decides

"How bad do i want this dream?" as he asked,

wondering what that would look like, he wasn't really ready

Could he really be the story teller in his dream? not as a dreamer, but the author.

Remembering and realizing his responsibilities as a father

"What does the sacrifice look like to gain what this scary dream has to offer?"

Oh no! he got compromise, now lock away for ten months

Facing a 32 years to life in prison on a fabricated story

Now he sits in the cell confused, angry, unsure of that scary dream.

"I should give it all up and try to enjoy this new life" he walked around telling himself,

A dark place found him, find another path, incoming raving suggestions

A light shine at him through the cracks, voices approach, "what about your three boys?"

The voice still talking, conversation going, "this is temporary, you need to write”,

Man eyes fill with tears, he agrees, not knowing what the unknown is, but he trust.

The voice again, "Many challenges ahead, but walk with me, i got you" behind those bars feeling the purpose

Thinking of the end goal, a point to it all, movements in the mind.

Voices again 'think back on that dream, your wait will soon be over, trust, obey, your three boys awaits.

The mind start to think of a clear path, all these inmates, need to get away

"ROAR" voices shouting, "find a corner, put it in a book, you're a Leo"

This place is temporary place don't defined you, dark, yes! but the light found you

Stop thinking of people that won’t even believe you, in those very moments make notes, he walk back and forth talking to himself.

The voice approach, "Some have already turn their backs, it's okay, the creator got you

Man started to look up, seeing nothing, mind wondering, still seeing bars

Trust was the feel, "could this be a beautiful road ahead, could i really put all this behind?"man ask himself,

Bowy, still seeing a dark road, jail guard looking with sad judgement, "but remember the light have found, pay attention to the cracks" voice said,

man now thinking, "if the light have found me, why i'm i not seeing that light?" The light was leading and wanted man to follow.

Sleeping after writing eighty sixty thousand words, hearing a lot of noise in the cell "what is going on right here? so clouded"

The voice, "Tune them out, the only noise that matters is mine, so you keep me in your head, I have created a beautiful path, you need to wake up, no need for fuss"

The hope of seeing what the outside look like had a great feel, movements to creating a world the three boys would be proud of was the goal.

Woke up another day to the same food and what was describe as refreshment, this was not acceptable.

The voice came back, "you should look for greatness, now the momentum is with you, lets go to work"

Man walking around looking as lap thirty five is made in the cell lounge, thinking his next move need to be his best move.

Voices again, "What people think of you, is none of your business, movement".

Failing was not an option for man about his dream, and avoiding that was priority

The storms was a heavy storm, and the need to stay firm was important.

Voices came back "It's movement time and you need to hold on, once you get on this train the scary part of your dream will approach, no turning back now"

The responsibilities ahead was now looking, Rajay, Kamryn and Karter all look with a big face question, "seriously dad, what's going on?"

Voice question, "with all this ahead, will you be a Leader or a follower, you will need to choose. The one that set all goals will achieve greatness, leading the pack"

After a hundred jail cell lounge lap walk, thinking i could call this a failure, if nothing was learn from the experience, keep going was the motion.

The story didn’t write it self, voices found the mind and put it to work

Interacting, getting out of the comfort zone, fresh air awaits

The "why" was always there, but the "what" and "who" was in the unknown

The design of this dream was one to be reckon with, as one establish this beautiful calculation

This Faith does not standalone, the voice is strong and give enormous encouragements

Finally this man about his dream realize that a dream looking so beautiful must be lived

Waking up from this nightmare was not a dream, jail did happen, a whole ten months of it.

Now the possibilities for the unknown was still to come, and the man about his dream was ready to face all challenges.


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