Man has Evolved!!!
At my leisure, I randomly hit across this symptom. So just writing down my thoughts to seek expert views on it.
The most basic necessity of any human being to sustain is food. Yes, the evolved man to today, does eat. He goes to big restaurants, hotels, etc. But does he really enjoy what he is eating? Essentially, it is observed that man is not happy even after having great meals, whether at home, at office or in a restaurant. So is he really interested in food or the place is taken by something else. He actually seems to be more interested to know what’s there in other’s pallet. He is more inclined and interested in digging in and out of other’s life and at the same time, fretting and cribbing over his own personal life. Barely any inclination is left now for the food for life. Hardly he has now the time and heart to enjoy his own cup of tea.
But we know, man has evolved.
Other important area of life is the social circle, the friends. So do we say, he must be having lots of friends. Whom do you think would be his best friend. His mates/colleagues/neighbors/relatives. Alas, none of them qualifies for the role. He does sit with them, hangs out with them but that’s more to analyze his state compared to them. To show case his status, if he happens to be a big fat. He does not actually mingle up with a true friendly gesture. He has a hidden anonymity and he makes sure to religiously carry it everywhere. Today’s evolved man is even scared of celebrating/participating in his friends’ success. He actually can’t see anyone to be successful but just him. he doesn’t praise success of others with the doubt that it might shadow him and his position/stature.
In that case we can look up to the social networking to qualify for the role of his friend. OMG, that too happens to be a NO. Just say, he gets some unwanted comments on any of his post or people do not like his recent clicks of some extravagant vacation, he will be bursting out with an added excuse to defend himself. He does not go by them even. So eventually, with whom he jells the most. Is it, that it is he himself. He cannot take a concrete decision for himself, his life or the career. Truly, the evolved man does not even trust himself. If something goes wrong, he tries to manipulate stories, in the name of anyone just to protect his name and dignity. He is not there to stand for himself or to identify his act, whether right or wrong. He would be standing first in the queue to take accolades on his name but would hide himself remotely if his name is questioned for some act.
And yes, we know and we agree that man has evolved.
So, where can we find an actual evolved man. Could he be found at his workplace. You would definitely laugh at this. Certainly, he might be very successful, would be at some higher roles and designation but is he actually satisfied and content with what he is doing and what he is getting in turn. Is he really happy with his work and his surroundings? The evolved man failed to even love his work or the workplace. So, where is the evolution. What has actually evolved. Is it only on websites or in concepts that there exist evolved man now.
Everywhere we are advocating that man has evolved. If it is true, It carries a sad part that man has evolved to take his conscience to nowhere. He has become very sound technically, grown financially but gone equally low when it comes to humanity and morality. He has eventually become his own slave, burdened with his own perceptions and simply dragging himself on the paths of life.