German OEM FUSI Training: etamax Program and Expertise - Safe Systems for Modern Mobility

German OEM FUSI Training: etamax Program and Expertise - Safe Systems for Modern Mobility

In today's automotive industry, functional safety plays a central role. The increasing complexity of electrical and electronic systems (E/E systems) in vehicles, the demands on these systems are also increasing. The ISO 26262 standard defines an internationally recognized standard for the development and operation of safety-relevant E/E systems in road vehicles.

FEV etamax: Your Partner for FUSI (FUnktionale SIcherheit = functional safety) 26262

As an experienced partner in the automotive industry, FEV etamax offers comprehensive services around the ISO 26262 standard. We support our customers in implementing the standard in their companies and ensure that their E/E systems meet the high requirements for functional safety. Specifically for a large German heavy-duty OEM we are developing a tailor-made training concept for ISO 26262.

The trainings aim to comprehensively train employees in the various subject areas of the standard, including

? System: Overall understanding of the FUSI 26262 process

? Software: Development of safe software ? Hardware: Design and implementation of safe hardware

? Testing & Validation: Carrying out tests and validations to ensure functional safety Training Locations and Methods

The trainings are offered both in Turkey and Germany. If required, the trainings can also be carried out remotely. The training methods are developed by experienced FUSI 26262 experts from FEV Etamax and adapted to the specific needs of the customer.

Years of Expertise and In-House Trainings

FEV etamax has many years of experience in applying the ISO 26262 standard in various industries. Our experts are highly qualified and have comprehensive knowledge in all areas of functional safety. With our in-house FUSI 26262 trainings, we create trust with our customers and ensure that they can effectively implement the standard.

Advantages of FUSI 26262 Trainings from FEV etamax

? Comprehensive training concept according to ISO 26262

? Tailor-made trainings for the needs of the customer

? Experienced FUSI 26262 experts ? Trainings possible in Germany and Turkey as well as remotely

? Years of expertise and in-house trainings

The FUSI heavy-duty OEM Training Team

The FUSI heavy-duty OEM Training Team consists of experienced experts from various fields of functional safety. Our Functional Safety Manager Christian Dahl, who has many years of experience in developing and conducting FUSI 26262 trainings and is responsible for coordinating the technical implementation. He is supported by FUSI experts Carlos Maia, Konrad Lindemann and Carsten Butzmühlen.

With our team of experienced experts and a tailor-made training concept, we are happy to support our customers in implementing the ISO 26262 standard. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us and let's discuss them. We look forward to hearing from you.

Find more about our training here.

