Mamoní Valley certified home to 63 species of bats
Mamoní Valley Preserve
The Mamoní Valley Preserve is a 5,000-hectare land conservancy in one of the top 25 Biodiversity Hotspots in the world.
The past month of June, thanks to the study and collaboration of BioMundi, the Mamoní Valley was awarded an AICOM (Area of Importance for the Conservation of Bats, in Spanish) by the Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Conservation of Bats (RELCOM in Spanish)? for the great variety of bat species that the reserve presents.
These international recognitions are awarded to places that cover a surface area sufficient for populations of one or several species of bats to live and develop in such a way as to guarantee their permanence over time.?
RELCOM states that the Mamoní Valley is the site with the largest number of bats in Panama, with 63 species, demonstrating and certifying the great variety of species that it has in terms of different sizes, eating and behavioral habits, giving it a unique and special ecological importance unlike any other place in the country.
RELCOM is a network initiated in August 2007, under the signature and mutual agreement between different expert researchers from Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Costa Rica and Bolivia, in order to promote research, environmental education and conservation of bats throughout the Latin American and Caribbean region. It currently has 25 allied countries.
The Reserve is the second place in Panama established as an AICOM (the first being Alto Chagres) and the first private reserve considered as such in the country, giving it greater relevance and leadership in terms of conservation issues, and demonstrating that its reforestation, education and conservation efforts have benefited its biodiversity, including in this case, different species of bats.
The AICOM could motivate future researchers, bring in new donors, or attract national and international institutions to support new research topics.