Mama, Happy Mother's Day!
Dr. Kazique Jelani Prince
Award-Winning DEI Executive | Strategic Thought Leader | Unlocking Innovation, Driving Impact, and Expanding Untapped Opportunities | All opinions expressed are my own.
To all the mothers and those sharing in the honor of being a mother, Happy Mother's Day!
Mother's Day continues to come with mixed feelings as I cherish mothers, friends and family, who pave the way so their children, step children, adopted and otherwise live and thrive incredibly and without a doubt due to your immeasurable sacrifice, love, commitment, and unabashed wisdom especially during these difficult times.
At the same time, I can't avoid crying in the wilderness with them as we see our families battling to just live. Particularly, mothers of color are awashed with tragic stories of black and brown bodies harvested for the prison industrial complex, terrorized by a political and criminal justice system, and traumatized by a "civilized" society that too often attempts to make our children invisible, inconsequential, irrelevant, and impossible to live with dignity and honor.
I'm also deeply missing my mother who I miss with all of my heart. She without question is singularly responsible for the many gifts and joys I've been able to experience in life. This picture is one of my favorites with her. Proud, beautiful, intelligent, and majestic in my eyes, she was imperfect and perfectly what I needed in my life and can't imagine one different without her.
Often my tears in remembrance of her are of love, pride I know she would have and had in me, and how it still hurts not to have her present wisdom, laugh, and affection. I'm reminded often she continues to watch, shine her light and love over me and my family and others. It's a small comfort knowing this but not completely satisfying. In these times if she was living on this earth, I'd be worried for her and looking to her at the same time. But alas, she cannot right now. Despite this, I feel her constant love for me, my brother, my kids and other family and friends.
Happy Mother's Day, mama! Happy Mother's Day to you my friends and family. Love each of you for everything you do.