Malware & more : Remove them for Free. Learn how in minutes !
Randy Taylor
Life insurance agent 40 + yrs quotef Forbes Insurance Brokerage Manager, National Sales Speaker/2 Industries as seen on TV.
Malware attempts to steal personal info. Learn quick & easy tips re detection and correction. (Plus daily monitoring if needed)
Malware symptoms
If you're seeing some of these problems with Chrome, you might have unwanted software or malware installed on your computer:
In the future, avoid unwanted software by only downloading files or visiting sites that you know are secure.
Malware solutions
Option 1, try downloading malware bytes from their official site and follow the direction. It can be ran at th same time as windows defender.
Option #2: How do I remove browser add-ons or extensions? Go to Chrome help etc and type in your question. If that doesn't work try the Google forum.
Identify theft questions you can contact the author, Randy Taylor, dual certified marketing coach and Identify theft certified insurance agent via the State of California. Videos and pricing by state for I.D Theft prevention via America's largest dtective firm are at?
Published by Randy Taylor: Quoted in Forbes, interviewed @ ABCNews TV, Radio, & local TV.
Life insurance broker 39+ yrs. , Life insurance Brokerage Manager 10 years, Sales Trainer/ 171 articles