Malnutrition in Kenya Reduction Strategy
Kenya is facing a triple burden of malnutrition with co-existence of under-nutrition ( stunting, wasting and underweight), micronutrient deficiencies and over nutrition ( overweight and obesity ) and associated diet related non communicable diseases. According to the 2022 Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS), 18% of children under 5 years are stunted,27.9% adult population obese or overweight, women being affected most 38.5%, 23.1% of population suffer from anemia with pregnant women being most affected 41.6% (KNMS 2011). 33.9% of pre-school-age children suffer from marginal vitamin A deficiency, 22.1 percent have iodine deficiency, Zinc deficiency-83.3% school going children, 82.3% of non-pregnant women, 80.2% school going children and 74.8% Men.
Effects of of Under-nutrition on health KES 18.6b , 0.3% of GDP, 44 % Borne by families, KES 8.1b, 56% by public health system 10.5b; on Education KES 3.2b ,0.06 % of GDP, 57% borne by families KES 1.8b, 43% borne by Government KES 1.4b; total loses on productivity estimated at KES 352.1b, 6.5% of GDP, total country equivalent estimated KES 373.9b, 6.9% of GDP. ( )
Forgotten /traditional/ underutilized Agri-foods have enormous nutritional, medicinal, and economic values and when promoted, could highly contribute to poverty reduction and improve food security in Africa.
?We process Gluten free Organic Nutritious, Agri-food products ( no added, sugar and fat) which have key vitamins, minerals and nutrient for reduction of malnutrition under Brand Name-MUGALA NATURALS. Our cookies and ready-to use porridge products are derived from climate smart crops, which are fairly drought resistant, Cassava, Pear-millet, Orange fleshed sweet potato, Peanut and Honey.
To strengthen our efforts, reach a wider audience, we requesting your support, through a crowdfunding initiative
#malnutition #obesity #anemia #undernutrition #overnutrition #stunting #foodsecurity #nutritiondeficiency #irondeficiency #zincdeficiency