Malaise Affecting India
Pramod Kumar Srivastava
CEO | Business Management & Development Consultant | Economist | Writer | Ekam Religion | Cosmos Citizen | Single
As I am penning this article, there is a hue and cry happening all over India over the brutal killing of a 2.5 years old toddler in Aligarh, a small town in the biggest state of India, UP. People have to trend various hashtags on twitter to get the justice for that little toddler. Why to trend on twitter to get justice?
Few weeks ago from the same state one news appeared in which a lady was being harassed. She complained, and every time she went to police station to find out the status of her complaint, she was told, investigation is on. Ultimately in frustration she burnt herself and reached to ICU. Why no timely action on complaint?
In business world, IL&FS is sitting on 90 thousand crores of bank default and nobody even got the whiff of it for years. Why did no one audit the company properly?
What all these point to? It simply points to extreme level of mis-governance and all this rot is starting from the top. Let us analyse:
In the recently concluded general elections of 2019, around 1 lakh crores have been spent by various political parties. From where the political parties got this much money, nobody knows and nobody cares to know. All political parties have ganged up and kept themselves away from the ambit of RTI. Through electoral bonds, which party got how much money from whom, no political party is willing to tell. And yes, there are some politicians who are claiming to fight the corruption but they don't have spine to tell the people how many crores their party got from which donor. This much for the bogey of fighting corruption.
Recently one alleged sexual harassment case appeared in Supreme Court of India. The Chief Justice of India himself came under the cloud. The same Chief Justice became judge in his own case, presided the bench and almost gave clean chit to himself. The same court has given Visakha Jain Guidelines for whole India against sexual harassment at work place, but the very same guidelines are allegedly not in place in the Supreme Court of India. An inquiry has been ordered related to this case to unearth the deeper conspiracy to "scandalize the judiciary". Very Good. But did Supreme Court of India ever set up a commission to find out the ways and means to reduce the pendency of 3.3 crores cases in courts of India?
There was a huge noise created by vested interests, when some people questioned the number of causalities in strikes by Indian Air Force on her enemy neighbor. How can anyone question Indian defense? Really? Let these vested interest not forget that the Ex-Chief of Indian Air Force was arrested for alleged bribery scandal. People have every right to ask questions from any one and from any institution.
Lakhs of crores are being defaulted by companies. Banks after banks are showing losses in thousands of crores. It all happened under the nose of RBI, the bank of banks, who has to monitor the overall health of Banks.
Do you get a picture? Yes, it is all rotting from the top. As saying goes, fish rots from the head. It aptly applies to the current malaise of India. Worst is, if anyone and any institution questions, they are silenced on the pretext of so-called bogey of nationality and Indian pride. Just few months back, a lot of economists and aware citizens raised questions about the bad state of economy, GDP number and unemployment numbers. All were told to shut up. Now once the elections are over, same economic indicators and dismal state of Indian economy are being discussed by the same government agencies. This is the way people are being fooled.
Let it be clear to everyone, all over the world. People are supreme. Nations, constitutions, religions, prophets and even Gods may come and go but what remains and continues unbroken is the thread of humanity. Everything flows from people. People are the center of this universe. People are free agent. They can't be bonded by any chains of nationality, religion, region etc. People willingly choose nationality, religion and God, and can willingly renounce any nationality, any religion and any God.
Nations need people. Religions need people. Even Gods need people. People don't need anyone. People are doing favor by embracing anyone, not the other way round. Any nation and any civilization which has tried to trample the most sacred thread of humanity has stagnated.
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Pramod Kumar Srivastava is Founder-CEO of PKS Management Consultants, a generalist business management consulting and internal auditing company based at Bangalore, India. Views are personal.
5 年Election funding is indeed mother of all corruption and every malaise. God knows when will it be sorted out... Wonderful article Pramod Ji... Keep writing please..