Makurdi Floods: Disaster waiting to Happen?
Sadiq Austine Igomu Okoh, PhD
Climate Governance/Net-Zero & Energy Transition/GHG Accounting/Capacity Building Expert
River Benue is a major provider of the means of livelihood for the people and it is also a source of disaster. The river to a larger extent has a major effect on the general agricultural land use encouraging irrigation along the river Benue. The people also engage in fishery activities and keeping livestock. Agricultural activities of the people include farming food crops like rice, yam, maize, cassava, guinea corn and other cash crops which provide over 20% of food requirement of the nation. However, the source that brings immense agricultural blessings to the people is also the means of great devastation. The major devastation from River Benue is in the form of flash floods. Flood in Makurdi is a perennial event, but lately, it has changed the food dynamics disrupting the livelihood assets of the poor, thereby leading to increasing cases of hunger and starvation. The precarious situation of Makurdi is exacerbated by its location on the flood plains of the Benue valley. As of late, climate change has heightened the frequency and intensity of the floods. A clear example of the influence of climate change was in 2012 flood when over 200 lives were lost in the state.
The state government in recognition of the threat has taken different measures to supplement autonomous adaptation strategies of the people. But weak government institutions have derailed the commitment making it possible for people to be allocated plots of land on well-documented floodplains. Even though colonial government bequeathed a planned city, Makurdi lacks proper drainage system with water flowing everywhere and to no specific destination. Sadly, government institution such as the Ministry of Environment with the statutory responsibility of providing drainage has failed woefully due to corruption where roads and drainages were allocated to political patrons who have no political will to meet such obligation. In some cases, people were allocated plots on drainages and sanitary lanes. Additionally, the river bed has been turned into a source for burnt brick production in doing so is eroding the top soil.
With no coordination between different arms of government and non-existent plan of action, floods will continue to ravage the people. What has emerged is that there is increased reliance on the people not just to reduce the impact of floods, but for building appropriate channels critical for the flow of water. Still, the town is in dire need of channelling to reduce the impact of floods. Sadly, the Akume Administration built channel has been left uncompleted or neglected. The drainage has now become a major waste disposal medium for the people living close to it. Their erroneous assumption is that the rains will wash the waste into the river. In reality, they only succeeded in blocking the free flow of water. Furthermore, the ecological fund meant to create new drainages and roads has dried up, leaving behind a large swathe of land in newly opened up urban areas for flood water to have its free passage.
Clearly, the flood in Makurdi is a disaster waiting to take place. Those living in the flood plains (most especially and Idye communities) are definitely waiting for disaster (and they know it). As climate change spectre evident from the intensity of flood is here with us, Makurdi is, therefore, sitting on a time bomb. However, the intensity of its devastation depends on climate variations which further depends on Cameroonian authorities opening the Lagdo dam which is another major source of the flood in the state. The prevalence of this disaster warrants a rethink of how we manage our city and the use to which the river is put. It will also need a new conversation on city planning and sustainable adaptation to flooding in the state if we can ever build a green city.
Given the inevitability of floods, the imperative for a permanent IDP camp is highly evident from the frequent recurrence of the floods. Proactive actions capable of fundamentally transforming the people practices are necessary ingredients in meeting the challenges of floods. A change in the waste disposal mentality of the people is a good start point. Equally, those living in flood plains should be relocated to higher grounds to avert the perennial floods. Another option is for government to tackle the challenge of the flood through channelization and dredging of river Benue to increase water intake and also improve water transport complemented with dams to store excess water for dry season farming. Other strategies will be in building embankments to protect life and properties. The city can be protected by building concrete barriers using stone pitching or sand bags to redirect the flow of water. While the former is slightly unsustainable because of cost the latter can be carried out through community mobilization.
Eco-friendly green development such as planting of trees and gardens along the river bank will not only add aesthetic value but will act as breakers limiting surges and also absorb excessive waters. Early warning devices like FEW Station2 can be installed on the river with additional visual aid in the form of brightly coloured balloons to indicate the level of water visible to all in the event of rising river level. An appraisal of the current adaptation regime which has been more of a reactive fire brigade approach of rendering temporary relief in primary schools and markets should be changed. This will require adequately protected permanent structures not open to miscreants who rob and rape the flood victims.
Community leaders, CSOs, interest groups, decision makers and researchers play vital roles and should be integrated into adaptation and should share information. This way any latest development is communicated to the people. This will ensure local partnership and ownership of policy thus ensuring sustainability of policy where all stakeholders’ interests are incorporated into local adaptation plan of action to bring about inclusive growth and mobilization of the people towards the common goal.