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Yes, that's exactly what we all need to do in all phases of our life. Even when you don't reach that one goal within that timeframe you've scheduled. Even when doubt starts kicking in when that deal wasn't sealed.
When thinking of wealth we usually tend to refer to money. However, I’ve come to understand that having a poor mindset can actually lead to you being poor physically. Literally poor in your bank account/your pocket and your way of living. Since 'running on empty' isn’t an option the ship needs to work on different engines. Luckily the engines have been there all this time. I just didn’t notice any of them, probably because I did not deem it necessary earlier.
On that note, my journey continues with choosing to go back to how I started building knowledge as a child, by reading books.
This time with: You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero
My takeaways from this book are:
- People love to tell you what you should and shouldn’t want, regardless of how you feel about it.
- One of the biggest obstacles to making lots of money is not a lack of good ideas or opportunities or time, or that we’re too slovenly or stupid, it’s that we refuse to give ourselves permission to become rich.
- RICH: Able to afford all the things and experiences required to fully experience your most authentic life.
- If you allow yourself to make all the money you need to flourish and live out your desires, it does not mean you are, or will become, a greedy, selfish, Earth-ruining bastard.
- A healthy desire for wealth is not greed, it’s a desire for life.
- Desire literally mean de sire, “of the father”.
- You are not meant just to survive, to stay stagnant, to settle; you are meant to keep growing and thrive.
- You too are meant to reach your fullest expression of the you that is you, to inspire and birth awesomeness in others, and to use whatever resources you need along the way.
- Greed comes from the same lack mindset as poverty.
- You denying yourself your heart’s desires is not noble.
- Power and money are intertwined.
- Doubts, fears, and other people’s rules are no match for a heart on a mission.
- The thoughts, beliefs, and emotions we don’t consciously reject, we unconsciously accept.
- We are feeling creatures, we are meant to experience, not deny, our emotions.
- Expecting yourself to feel only positive emotions is not only impossible, but will most likely make you feel like a failure instead of like a normal human.
- Our thoughts and emotions catalyze our actions, they also supply: belief, clarity, focus, faith, urgency, decisive action, tenacity and gratitude.
- You can’t experience new lands from confines of your comfort zone.
- How determined you are determines your outcome.
- You can’t do anything if you try to do everything.
- Stay focused on your desires, not your fears.
- Abundance mentality: This is 100 percent about believing that there is enough business for all, and that the Universe will reward you for putting good out there.
- Money doesn’t make you happy, money gives you options.
- You can have your ego or you can have your dreams.
- Keep your thoughts, words, beliefs, and feelings aligned with the job you seek and do not stop until you get there.
- Remember that what you’re seeking is also seeking you.
- Don’t take failure personally.
- Temporary failure becomes permanent defeat only when you say so.
- You have gifts and talents, unique and important inside of you. You’re meant to respect, nurture, and strut your youness unapologetically.
- You have infinite greatness inside of you. Let it win over the BS.
- Forgiveness is about you deserving peace, not necessarily about others deserving your forgiveness.
- We act like jerks because we’re in pain and fear, not because we’re out to ruin the world.
- If you want to be free, make the choice to forgive.
- Self-love means doing things that make you feel good.
- Practice responding to situations according to how they make you feel instead of reacting based on old beliefs and fears.
- Successful people are tenacious, which means they keep the faith much longer than the average person does.
- When you decide to get rich, you must be laser focused on your decision and your emotional reasons for making money, because it’s a matter of when, not if, things, people, and events will show up to tempt you away from your goal.
- Constantly learn
- Stay disciplined
- Practice patience
- Surround yourself with ass kickers.
- Have zero tolerance for negotiations.
- It’s these tiny moments, these split-second decisions, upon which your financial success rides. Not only do these moments add up, but each one serves as a crack in your resolve where other excuses can, and will seep in.
- Identify with a new habit
- Know thy negotiations: recognize the negotiation and do not consider it for even one tiny moment, because once you get into a conversation with it, you’re screwed.
- Connect your new habit to another habit or behavior.
It is still okay to disagree with an author (except for an autobiography).