#MakingBharatEntrepreneurial: Edition 4
Udhyam Learning Foundation
At Udhyam, we help young learners and micro-entrepreneurs actualize their highest desired possibility.
Hi there!?
Welcome to the 4th edition of our newsletter.?From expanding into new states to launching exciting pilot programs, we continue to make progress toward our mission of?#MakingBharatEntrepreneurial. Here are some highlights.
Introducing our new program: Onboarding vendors on Zomato!
We, at Udhyam Vyapaar, are supporting food vendors/small-scale restaurants to leverage technology, helping them with relevant licenses, and listing their businesses on platforms like Zomato. We look forward to the successful fruition of this program, aimed to?transform the lives of these micro-macro vendors.
Tejaswi Madhya Pradesh curriculum launched
In March this year, we partnered with the MP Govt. to launch the Tejaswi MP Curriculum as a pilot project in Bhopal and Indore. It introduces two of Udhyam Shiksha's key interventions to students in grades 9 & above:?our school curriculum program and our business innovation program (which will run in MP as a societal innovation challenge).
Another successful year of the Udhyam Shiksha Program in Maharashtra!
For the close of the third phase of our ITI program in Maharashtra, students showcased their business projects to government representatives and industry experts at events across the state.
We saw innovative prototypes and profitable businesses come to life. Some of these include a?fertilizer drop machine?that delivers fertilizer to plants with much greater ease (no bending needed) and safety (no skin contact) for farmers, a?multipurpose wheelchair?for hospitals that converts into a stretcher, and a?charitable initiative?that gathers fabric waste to turn into garments for children in orphanages.
Be a part of the 'Pressing for Change' Drive
A drive meant to citizens to help ironing vyapaaris in Chennai improve their economic conditions.
Your contribution of INR 6,000 will enable an ironing vyapaari to earn INR 50,000 more every year.?
Contribute to #MakingBharatEntrepreneurial
Whether you're a?funder or partner, join us in paving the way for innovative solutions & creating a brighter future for the vyapaaris of India.
Our team found ourselves reminiscing about school??????. Here are some cherished memories.
What is your favorite school memory?
Take a trip down memory lane... Whether it's a funny incident, a memorable friendship, or an inspiring teacher, we want to hear it all.
Write to us here?and we'll feature the best stories in our next newsletter and send something special your way.??
We're hiring!
If you care about our mission and are passionate about making a difference, check out our career opportunities. Apply today!
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Udhyam in the News
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Our mailing address is: [email protected]