Making Your Way to the Cloud...
Steve Farmiloe
Top Gun Show Host. I help Sales Partners / Advisors / VARs / MSPs uncover sales opportunities by assisting/training them on selling the complete stack of telecom services.
As we head into the New Year, it’s important to reflect on some lessons learned from 2015 so we can start 2016 focused on some other strategies. Everybody is talking about the Cloud. Whether it’s DR, Backup, Server Virtualization, VDI, or Hosted PBX, every single one of our customers has a cloud strategy, and it’s our challenge to find out what it is.
- Over 50% of our customers will replace or refresh Servers and PCs in 2016.
- 54.5% of our customers are either unprepared for a DR emergency or only “somewhat prepared.”
- 33% of our customers will move to VDI with the next 2 years.
- 66.5% of our customers still rank the phone as their #1 business tool with nearly 30% of those users planning on making a move to Hosted for their next system.
Being a Cloud Services provider is chic and sexy, but rest assured, carriers are still carriers and while everybody has a “cloud program”, not all carriers are prepared to service customers the way they need to be serviced.
2016 will present us with an opportunity to leverage our relationships and offer our customers a comprehensive solution to meet ALL of their needs. It is our job to work with our customers to pair them with the best cloud services provider available for their specific business.
Special “thanks” to Gary Coben, VP Channel Services of EvolveIP for his contributions to this article.