Making Your Video and Animation Content Work for You
Gavin Knights
Experienced professional focusing on inspirational work that makes a genuine difference.
Do you remember the comedy musical, The Little Shop Of Horrors?
Its star was a flesh-eating plant called Audrey 2, which continued to grow as it demanded more and more from Seymour, its gullible owner, to satisfy its growing size and taste for human flesh.
I was thinking about how we have all changed our online habits in recent years, and the musical jumped to mind. Its hard to even remember a time before access to the world wide web, let alone just how much has evolved with the development of social media in the last couple of years. Almost everyone now has access to and from, any corner of the globe, pretty much instantly, and while that has given us all huge power in communication, education, connection and business, it has also created an impossible number of connections for us to manage unless we are both careful and selective.
If you picture Audrey 2, completely covering the globe, you have a pretty accurate picture of the power of the Worldwide Web; so avoiding becoming Seymour, wasting time trying to feed your online requirements is absolutely key. It is both hungry and demanding, so here at Three Motion we have developed three strategies which help our partners to stay connected and sane:
- Plan Well, Be Proactive And Avoid Being Reactive - Allocate time to post your video and written content, and stick to it. There are some great posting tools, so talk to Faye ([email protected]) our Digital Marketing Exec, to arrange a free visit to our studio to learn about how to use these.
- Make Your Video Content Work For You - Putting some time in at the front, planning and having professional content made will massively improve the connection with your online audiences, and save a great deal of money in time and repeated effort going forward. Once made there can be no 'Chinese Whisper' effect, and with global reach from the minute you post your work, it will work for you 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Create Bitesize Chunks Of Great Content - No-one has time (or will give you the time), to bore them with long-form content in 2018, so create short video's, and if you have multiple messages, ask our professional editors to make multiple shorter cuts. This will give you two massive advantages, the first being that folks viewing your videos will stay right through because you are being considerate with their time. The second is that in taking this approach, you will be able to feed social media on a number of occasions with completely new content. Releasing material this way makes for audience connection and loyalty.
Taking the right strategic approach here, partnering the right professional production team, will see you making connections which you hadn't even considered. Its a genuinely exciting time to grow this way, so contact me ([email protected]) to start a conversation or continue your organisations' journey.