Making your mark in the world.
Grant Saptoe
Workplace Wellness Partner | Managing Director @ Paradigm Management Consulting
A few days ago, I created a poll on LinkedIn and asked a question: -
“Who has been bullied at work and if you would know what to do?”
Despite a large number of people viewing the poll only 1 percent of the viewers participated and this led me to infer that there are people who may have been deterred from placing a response on record or are simply ignorant and na?ve of the prevalence of Bullying in the World of Work.
As a result of Covid, many organizations have seized the opportunity to downsize and retrench, to this end many employees are being told that they should be grateful to still have a job. In other words, if you are treated unfairly or with disrespect, best you keep your head down and be grateful for the job you have.
It is commonplace that many LinkedIn professionals in senior positions of reputable organizations post inter alia about leadership, instilling positive cultures, dealing with change and the post Covid transitioning. Unfortunately, a vast majority of these Executives and Senior Managers still turn a blind eye to what is happening in the organizations that they are supposed to be ambassadors for, by non-action and shying away from the real issues that impact the organizations culture, sustainability, and bottom line. In doing so they negate the impact to the organizations culture and sustainability.
As the world evolves and changes, quality diminishes in the service we receive as customers in retail stores, the quality of the food we eat today is questionable, the quality of acting on the big screen is no longer what it was, even sadder is the quality of healthcare and the lowered standard of education in a highly complex world that requires raising the bar and not dropping it unfortunately.
Gender-based violence continues, human trafficking is at all-time high but not reported, our human dignity and rights get stripped a little bit everyday and we still choose to do nothing. Our government is fraught with corruption which is now a norm because sadly one party must always benefit before doing business with an upcoming entrepreneur. We as citizens unfortunately pay the price of increased power tariffs, exaggerated fuel costs, raised taxes, hyperbolized food costs, deplorable health, education and other social costs and we still choose to do nothing. Organizations expect the same and better performance from its staff, reduce quality, increase sales and volumes but cannot afford to pay increases and staff must be grateful to have a job.
If you are not from a well-established and branded organization, the very leaders who post about leadership will scoff at your posts or not return a message or even agree to a meeting.
· Is it only those persons from big corporates, who can make profound statements and make waves with in-action, which are revered?
· Must one be a renowned academic with an arm length of accolades to be taken seriously?
The reality is that one cannot change the world, but one can make a difference through their passion and conviction to right the wrongs. Don`t be found wanting….
Materialism and job titles do not define who you are, and you will surely not be remembered for that, rather for having treated your fellow man with dignity and respect and acts of kindness.
The world is waking up to combatting issues like gender-based violence, human trafficking, drugs, corruption, violence and crime, racism, and discrimination. Similarly, workplace bullying is now getting the recognition it deserves. All these issues are violations of our human rights and dignity.
Workplace bullying is real, and destroys people, careers and lives and the impact to the organization is crippling. Stand up and speak out against bullying when it happens to you or when you see it happen to someone else. Fear cripples the mind as it interrupts processes in our brains to regulate emotions, impacts our decision making negatively, and ultimately leaves us susceptible to impulsive and emotional reactions causing us to act inappropriately. We then become anxious most of the time. The mental strain is huge and has serious consequences when left untreated. Is it ok to be told be grateful for the job you have but continue to be bullied, abused, and treated disparately? As a woman, is it ok to be sexually violated because you are wearing a short skirt?
True leaders know the value of civility, professionalism and well-respected staff in a culture that fosters these behaviors and the impact on performance and ultimately the bottom line. The benefits of managing workplace bullying have massive far reaching positive consequences for the organization and its leaders. Start today and do your part in making your contribution to the world. Remember words are only words until they become an action. Do not only act when you become a victim of bullying at work, or your child gets trafficked or killed because of drugs. As human beings in a fast-changing world let us never abrogate our human rights and dignity.
Paradigm Management Consulting.