Making Your Life Complete

Making Your Life Complete

Have you ever felt that there was something missing in your life? You know the feeling. It’s a sense that your life is falling short in terms of what you expected. You set out with high hopes and bold plans but somehow you ended up in a place that didn’t really work for you. After a time, you just decided to accept the situation and make the best of your circumstances. But, deep down, you always knew that something was missing.

No wonder so many people feel unhappy, unfulfilled, disappointed and stressed. When you think about it, it’s obvious that none of us signed up for this feeling that something’s missing in our lives. And now it’s time to do something about the situation. It’s time to find out what’s missing and take steps to enrich our lives with a much happier and more fulfilling set of alternatives.

The starting point for this fabulous exercise in personal transformation is to pause for a few minutes and discover exactly what’s missing in your life.

Those who realise their folly cannot be true fools.

-?????? Zhuangzi

Problem areas can cover the entire spectrum of human experience. You may be dealing with financial issues and struggling to pay the bills and fund your lifestyle. You might have a feeling of disappointment because your efforts are neither recognised nor appreciated. Like many people today, you might not like your work or your career choice. You may be experiencing a sense of loneliness or isolation. Or you might feel that people don’t understand you.? You might be feeling overwhelmed by the challenges you’re facing. Once you begin to think about the scale of what’s missing in your life, you might be surprised at the number of areas that are failing to live up to your expectations.

Life can only be understood backwards. But it must be lived forwards.

-?????? Soren Kierkegaard

If you take a moment to look at your life, you’ll probably notice the areas which are giving you the greatest cause for concern within a matter of seconds. These are the areas that are obvious to you and they represent issues that you’ve recognised – but haven’t been able to resolve. Perhaps you’ve learned to accept the situation and given up trying to improve things. Let’s acknowledge that life today is busy, often tiring and usually very demanding so we don’t always feel that we have the energy or the determination to make a positive difference to our circumstances.

But your life is also an invitation to experience your full potential and this includes breaking free of the limitations that impede your capacity for greater happiness and fulfilment.

True happiness is a state of fulfillment.

-?????? Ashish Sophat

There is a very effective way for you to assess the true state of your happiness and it takes the form of a simple list.

Despite the widespread use of electronic media today, it’s better to use a pen or pencil for this particular exercise. It seems that we engage a different part of the brain when we write the words down on a piece of paper. And what words do we need for this list? This is an invitation for you to write down what you feel is missing in your life. Does that sound easy to you? It should be because it's easy enough to start by stating the obvious but the exercise reveals its deeper purpose when you move beyond the first few items and consider the areas that you might’ve neglected. The challenge is to extend the list to thirty items.

Keep in mind that you’ll have true happiness, true fulfillment, not living to get but living to give.

- Joel Osteen

When you extend the list beyond the obvious, you’ll encounter issues that might’ve escaped your attention and this is where the exercise becomes more relevant and revealing.

Please remember that this is your list and that it’s completely private. It isn’t to be shared with anyone else. We experience huge amounts of social pressure in the course of a normal day and this exercise is intended to help you identify issues that are strictly personal. You don’t need anyone else’s help, advice or perspective when it comes to identifying the areas that are important to you. This is about you and only you.

Focus on your true purpose of life and stop focusing on other people’s flaws, mistakes, and failures. The fulfillment of your positive purpose on earth truly needs your undivided attention.

-?????? Edmond Mbiaka

When you’ve completed your list, put it away somewhere safe for three or four days and then retrieve it and take another look at the items you’ve selected. After a few days of contemplation, you might see the issues in a completely fresh light. Some areas might seem unimportant to you whilst fresh concerns might have surfaced. Feel free to adjust the list in any way that seems appropriate to you. You’re not limited to thirty items. Thirty represents the minimum number of points for you to consider and it’s intended to encourage you to consider your emotional as well as your material concerns.?

Your next step is to select the three items on your list that strike you as most relevant to the quality of your life. Take your time. We usually respond most strongly to the areas that are causing us the greatest degree of discomfort or dissatisfaction. Ask yourself what you can do to resolve or improve these areas of your life.

The reality is that you probably already know what you can do to improve matters. It’s mostly a question of drawing your attention to the problem and making a calm and deliberate decision to move forwards and resolve the issue. In many cases, your willingness to confront your problems and take appropriate action provides the catalyst for significant change and measurable improvements in your circumstances.

Your long-term happiness and fulfillment depend on your ability to fulfill your soul’s unique purpose and to fill the place in the world that only you can fill, making the contribution that only you can make.

-?????? ?Rod Stryker

This is a very powerful way for you to take better control of your life. You identify what’s missing and you take deliberate steps to correct the situation. Once you’ve dealt with the first three items, you can proceed to the next cluster on your list. Each area that you deal with will reinforce your sense of personal empowerment and you’ll notice the positive changes in your environment.

Your life now belongs to you which is exactly how it’s supposed to be.

Are you ready for a completely fresh approach to life’s great adventure? Get in touch with us today for a free session to discover how the growing global movement for personal growth, success, change and empowerment can enhance your life. It’s fun and it’s surprisingly effective. Perhaps it’s time for you to discover how you can enjoy your life on a whole new level of happiness and wellbeing.

Greg Parry created the Cognitive Empowerment Programs specifically to help people master their stress, overcome their limitations and explore the power of their true potential.

If you enjoy these blogs, you can imagine how much fun it is to have Greg in the room as an inspirational and highly perceptive speaker. If you’d like to invite Greg to talk to your company or organisation or event, feel free to get in touch.

You can contact Greg at:

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