Making your holiday a little eco-friendlier:
Natural Sustenance
We're on a mission to provide sustainable products that change the way people view the planet's existence.
???Shop Local?– Support your local farmers and markets! Buying local reduces food miles, cuts down on emissions, and supports your community. Look for seasonal produce to create fresh, flavorful dishes.
???Portion Wisely?– Plan your meal portions to avoid excess waste. Estimate servings based on your guests and try to use every bit. Leftover recipes can turn extra turkey and veggies into delicious meals for days.
???Compost?– Food scraps like vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells can all go into your compost bin! Give those leftovers a second life by feeding the soil for next year’s garden.
???Ditch Single-Use Plastics?– Use reusable plates, utensils, and napkins to cut down on disposable waste. Plus, a beautiful table setting makes for a warm and inviting meal.
???Eco-Friendly Decor?– Gather fall leaves, pinecones, and other natural elements to decorate. These can be composted afterward or saved for next year!
Let’s create a Thanksgiving that’s good for our hearts, our communities, and our planet.
#NaturalSustenance #SustainableThanksgiving #EcoFriendlyHoliday #WasteLess #SayNoToPlastic #PlasticFree