Making Your Child Bulletproof to Bullying
Sebastian Bates
Founder at The Warrior Academy & The Bates Foundation | Operating across 8 countries in 4 continents | Sponsoring 4,000+ Orphans & Street Kids | Award Winning Entrepreneur | 2x Best Selling Author
*WA Survey on bullying and Personal story on bullying
One of the main concerns of being surrounded by a negative community is bullying. One of the biggest strengths of a positive community is emotional support and the development of self worth from each individual which results in the prevention of bullying and the peace of mind that it will not occur.
Bullying can be devastating for students and can severely harm their development One of the goals of the Warrior Method is to make each child bulletproof to bullying.
The term bulletproof to bullying is what we use to explain one of the greatest benefits the Warrior Method provides through the development of character. A strong character not only deters bullies who often prey on the weak or the easily intimidated, a strong character with a strong moral compass becomes a huge advocate for bully prevention and seeks to stop bullying from occurring around them.
In our 2017 Warrior Academy survey where we asked over 1000 parents about the effect our Character Development Programme had on their child. We asked parents:
“Do you have a greater peace of mind that they are less likely to suffer from bullying? Please describe.”
100% of parents described far greater peace of mind that their child was less likely to be bullied and that the Warrior Method Programme was responsible, explaining:
“Definitely. Not because of the physical aspects of what she's learning at Warrior Academy but more because of the confidence she gets from a feeling of self-worth”
The survey then asked if their child has become happier because of this?
100% of parents agreed their child had become happier now that they had learnt how to deal with conflict, stop bullying and develop their own self worth, recognising that we are all different and that our uniqueness is one of our greatest powers and strengths, explaining:
“She seems more at peace when talking about others at school, recognising that she is different but more relaxed about it.”
“He is definitely happier because the school were always on at him telling him there's something wrong with him and now he is happy just the way he is and is not bothered by what people say”
I mentioned that being part of a strong martial arts community helped me through many things in my life, from transitioning between many schools, bullying as a child and rehabilitation from a near fatal accident. I hope that by sharing my personal stories, you will have a deeper insight into the power of a martial arts community and how it has shaped our Warrior Method.