Making the World a Better Place

Making the World a Better Place

"Children Are Like Kites"

You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.
You run with them until you're both breathless. 
They crash.
They hit the rooftop.
You patch and comfort, adjust and teach them.
Finally they are airborne...
They need more string and you keep letting it out.
But with each twist of the ball of twine, 
there is a sadness that goes with joy.
The kite becomes more distant, 
and you know it won't be long
before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that binds you two together
and will soar as it is meant to soar, free and alone.
Only then do you know that you did your job. "


Years ago I received this poem when my son was transitioning from 5th grade to middle school...with his hand print.  

As a parent, teacher and manager, I have found inspiration in knowing that our role is to help others be independent so that they can flourish.  Yet the most challenging part of being a parent, teacher and manager is providing the string to let them fly and eventually letting go.

As my two oldest kids venture into the world to make their mark...I know they will soar....but I will forever be watching in wonder as they make their dreams a reality and the world a better place.

I am so proud of not only my kids, but my work kids who have gone on to make a mark in the world by believing in their dreams.  As well as those who have been in my training classes and I was a Sunday teacher to.

We each make a difference in the world by teaching others to flourish and letting them fly to accomplish their dreams.





So true. I fondly remember all the help and guidance you provided my early in my career and the support you gave while my career soared. The only string that will not break is that of a lifelong friend. Thanks again, Susan.



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