The Making of a visionary leader
The making of a visionary leader
Leadership is the power to influence others through character impacts. Visionary leadership is the ability to cause others to see a vision of the future bigger than their private ambitions. Visionary leadership motivates others to submit their energies and skills in a corporate commitment to achieving a noble vision. We have been called to share in the victory of Jesus Christ in both heaven and on earth. We are also called to the continuing process of Christ’s enemies being made His footstool. All that is required to fulfill this noble vision has been provided for us. God has assured success and prosperity to all who walk in obedience to His covenants. The fact that success is assured in Christ does not mean that there will be no hardships but a guarantee of a victorious outcome.
The importance of visionary leadership in our country today
ü Our country would really be a better country, if we had self-sacrificing leaders. Corruption would be a thing of the past. Services would have been far better than what we have now.
ü A visionary leader is a leader who has brought his/her desires to a position of neutrality. Not concerned with visions that only benefits himself/herself.
ü Visionary leaders always strive to improve the lives of many, improves humanity.
My question today is: What type of a leader are you? Type A or type B? Jijazie!
A). your desire is to rally people behind a vision that is aimed at building a big citadel, drive the latest car in town at the expense of others. (This vision is not of God)
B). your desire is to rally people behind a corporate vision that is to improve humanity, make Kenya a better country, advance communities around you and improve their livelihood. (This Vision is from God).
Making wise decisions.-focus area (the book of Ruth)
Decision making is one of the most invaluable traits of a visionary leader. Visionary leadership is about risk taking, walking by faith and not by sight. Remember faith and vision are a function of the heart but sight is a function of the eye. One critic put it clearly that, it is better to be blind and have vision than to have eyes and not walk by vision. Decisions have consequences, and headship calls for ownership of consequences of one’s decisions. Ruth in the Bible is a clear example of a gracious woman of faith or vision. She chose to follow Naomi to a people and a God unknown to her and live with the consequences of her decision..... “15 and she said, ‘look, you sister- in- law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister -in –law.’ But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, My God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also if anything but death parts you and me.” Ruth 1:15-17
v Bethlehem /Judah represents the city of God flowing with milk and honey(God’s promises)-Naomi’s country-“ Then she arose with her daughters in-law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord Had visited His people in giving them bread-Ruth 1:6.
v Moab-the country of Moab was well known at that time for idol worship and moral decay and indecency
v Naomi a visionary Woman who was able to bring together Ruth to believe in Naomi’s God
v Ruth represents a contemporary visionary leader; self-sacrificing. Walked by Faith and not by eye sight. She stepped into her unknown future!
v Orpah represents a contemporary leader who has no vision. Not willing to challenge the status quo. Self-centered. Walked by eye sight and not by Faith. She went back to her known past!
“Then they lifted up their voices and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother –in-law, but Ruth clung to her”-Ruth 1:14
v Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah Lost their husbands-storms of life! This was divinely orchestrated to enable Ruth take on the correct trajectory to accomplish God’s plan for her life.
v Ruth made a hard decision to follow Naomi, she did not care where she came from, a Moabite woman; she clung to the unknown future and what Naomi claimed her God can do.
v Imagine how it felt for her to live in a country she was not raised up in, people of a different culture, worshiping a different God other than what she grew up with.
v Ruth’s example illustrates clearly how God divinely orchestrates occurrences to push us to our divine purpose.
Outcomes of Ruth’s wise decisions-God’s Purpose for her life was accomplished.
v Ruth’s redemption –“so Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife”-Ruth 4:13
v God’s purpose for her life was accomplished-
ü “Salmon begot Boaz(Ruth’s Husband), and Boaz begot Obed; Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David”
-Ruth 4:21-22
ü Imagine if Ruth had decided to stay in her country(known Past) just like Orpah did? Her purpose in the grand management plan of God to be the great grandmother of Jesus Christ could have been frustrated, however God’s plan will always prevail no matter the situation. That’s why storms come to disrupt everything and set the stage for God’s purpose.
ü Genealogy of Jesus Christ, a descendant of the root of David-Mathew 1:1-17
Striking Message: learn from Ruth, the Moabitess, and purpose to leap into the unknown frontiers of the future. Don’t settle for less, Like Orpah; get out of the comfort zone. Making wise decisions requires a self-sacrificing heart that is willing to face the consequences whether favorable or not favorable to you. Walking by faith and not by eye sight! Shalom!
The road to your greatness!
1. Jesus Christ is the key to unlock your Destiny
(He is the Way, the Truth and the Life: John 14:6)
2. The disease;-Delivering your mindset
3. Trouble shooting part 3a-our sins/ancestral sins.
3b-the hand of Satan over our head
3c- the hand of God over our head
4. The school of Adversity part 4a i) introduction
ii) Realm anatomy
iii) Kingdom anatomy
4b-The making of a visionary leader
i) Decision making
j) The process
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General Manager, Farmfix Africa Co. Ltd.
4 年Hi Leornard, are you born again?