Making use of Windows features
Have you noticed that Windows 10 has a lot of built in features, some of them which are really good.
In this article my idea is to shed some light of two small ones which might not be known to everyone. These can be really useful in a enterprise perspective, and might even replace some other applications that you might have bought separate licenses for.
It might require that you are on Windows 10 1903 or higher.
Clipboard history (Win + V)
In the Windows 10 1809 release there was an improvement to the clipboard feature in Windows. You no longer need to go back and find that text or picture again that you copied earlier. By enabling and using Windows button + v you can retrieve old data that you have copied. You can also set it to sync between devices.
Screen Snip (Win + shift + s)
Did you know that there is an improved Snipping tool in Windows 10 called Screen Snip? This can be used to take screen shots or screen snippets and add annotations if needed. Its really easy to use. You can either find it in the pen icon in the task bar or use the shortcut windows button + shift + s. You can then select to either take a snippet, window or full screen shot.
If you want, you can also through Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard set the Print Screen button to activate this instead.