Making Urban India a Role Model of Planned Urban Growth and Development;


Making Urban India a Role Model of Planned Urban Growth and Development;


??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????*Jit Kumar Gupta

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Former Advisor, TP, PUDA

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Known for productivity, promoting economy, employment and innovations cities, when properly planned, rationally developed and professionally managed, have been labelled and recognized? as engines of economic growth. Prosperity and urbanisation are known to? have positive co-relation with?? rational urbanisation, leveraging growth and development of any community, city, state and region. In majority of developing countries, where urbanisation remains unregulated, forced? largely by rural push and less by urban pull, cities invariably remain in crisis, crisis of population, crisis of poverty, crisis of development and management.?

Looking holistically and critically, ?Urban India and Indian urbanisation remain in perpetual? crisis for the reason that cities are growing in an unplanned manner and are ?being operated and managed in an ad-hoc manner by? people, who have marginalized knowledge,? understanding,? skill, proficiency, commitment, willingness and competency to understand the complexity of urban growth, development and management . Cities in India are largely being run and operated ?by proxy without any local ownership. Multiplicity of? planning and development agencies operating? in the larger urban centers and? absence of such agencies in smaller settlements, have been norm and? the? basic reason of cities getting into development and management crisis. Even where these institutions exit, they are managed by people who have limited skill, capacity, willingness to manage and operate cities.

?Looking at the management structure of urban local bodies existing at local level,? smaller ULBs are being looked at by the Executive Officers, whereas larger cities/ Corporations are being managed by the Commissioners appointed by the state Governmnet. Executive Officers remain invariably non-technical . These critical posts are being manned by officials who have qualification and experience? generally? in the domain of law, art or science, but little training? and knowledge of urban? growth and development. On the other hand,? Commissioners are invariably drawn from Indian or State Administrative Services, with limited training, exposure and understanding of the complexities of urban growth and development.

Besides officials appointed to manage cities, ?elected members of the urban local bodies, both Presidents, Mayors and office bearers, are known for their? limitations in terms of ??commitment and knowledge of managing cities. They have more commitment to the


political party; they represent rather than promoting the larger interest of the city and citizens.? In this scenario, cities are being run by proxy , by manpower and leadership? having little? understanding of the requirements, and essentials? of planned growth and development, for ushering an era of universal good and growth of the city.Looking at the entire context of role and importance of? planned? growth and?? development, cities need to be managed and operated more rationally and professionally by a dedicated cadre of trained professionals for ushering an era of?? sustainability and sustainable? urban economic growth and development.

?For? making ?cities? more livable, productive and ?efficient, Nation and States must think seriously about? creating a dedicated cadre of manpower on priority, for appointment as Executive Officers and Commissioners? having appropriate, skill, experience, dedication, understanding, qualification and? willingness to? manage the cities, Accordingly, considering the fact that promoting planned growth and development of cities, remains a professional task and agenda, requiring defined skill and experience in? the domain of urban planning,? urban development, urban management and urban financing, accordingly, it will be important that cities must be manned and? managed and run by professionals having qualification and experience as Town Planners, Architects, Engineers, Financing and Management. This calls for state/national governments to consider ?the option of professionalizing these management cadre at the local level by reserving these critical? management positions for the professional and not for generalists, if the cities are to be managed on professional lines. Professionals have already proved their effectiveness, competency and efficiency in managing the cities.

?Looking at the future urban scenario of rapid urban growth, development and expansion of new cities; professionalization of the management cadre at the ULBs level remains critical? and assumes importance, if ULBs are be made institutions of good governance at the local level. Professionalizing the? management cadre of urban local bodies, will help in making ULBs as institutions of local governance in its own right,? ?as visioned and 1mandated in the 74th Constitutional Amendment? Act, 1972. Central and state Governments also need to? consider making urban planning, development ,management and financing, integral part of IAS, IPS, State provincial services and create a dedicated cadre ?manpower for appointment as Commissioners of the Corporations from such services Dedicated courses also need to be run by the professional institutes and universities to create a cadre of professionally qualified? manpower? to be deployed in the ULBs for efficient functioning and operations.? Deployment of Town Planners, Architects , Engineers, Chartered Accountants and? personnels having qualification, experience and expertise? planning, development and urban Management ?at the local level can surely usher an era? of sustainable urban growth and development and end the ongoing regime of? unplanned and irrational growth of cities. Accordingly, qualification and experience for appointment as Commissioners and Executive Officers, need to be reviewed, revised and? redefined ,to professionalize these management cadres? and ensure making cities great places to live and work for the people, communities. This will be critical for ushering an era of rapid ??economic growth, employment and urban ?development of India to become one of the largest global economies.

Involving professionals in ?cities at ULBs level, will not only help understanding the problems of the cities more rationally, but will also enable cities to evolve rational solutions to make cities well planned, and well developed . Putting professionals ?at the key position will not only empower the cities but will also change the way ULBs looks at the issues ?and challenges ?faced and can be appropriately resolved at the local level. ?Giving appropriate roles and responsibility of ?managing the ?cities to professionals, will not only help urban local bodies to raise resources for the planned development of the city but will make state ?free from the ?role and responsibilities? of resolving developmental issues at the local level . Making professionals contribute to the planned growth will also require relooking ?and redefining at the ?legal frame work ?governing the cities, in order to ensure that urban local bodies have enough power and authority to discharge its role and responsibility of government, in? its own right, at the local level. Preparation and implementation of ?the Development Plans/ Master Plans and local area Development Plans, should be made integral part of the Municipal Act, so that ULBs can define the way city shall grow in future. All functions included in the 12th Schedule should logically be made part of the Municipal Act by carrying out necessary amendments. Role of state has to change from controller to facilitator and enabler so that ULBs are given best of the environment to? function, operate and deliver. ULBs, doing exceptional work, in the domain of planning, development, financing and management must be duly inentivises, recognized and rewarded for its good practices.




