making the unknown less scary
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
“There’s beauty in completion. And always faith in the unknown.” - Kendrick Lamar
This remains one of my favorite quotes.
As you continue to pursue your authentic life, you will have chapters that end, leaving you to trust in the unknown. For most, the unknown can be scary and sometimes keep you in a chapter longer than you should be just to avoid the unknown.
But, the more you experience venturing into the unknown, the stronger your faith will become making it easier and even exciting to find closure in one chapter and jump into a new one.
If you’re struggling to find faith in your next known, there are some things you can do to help eliminate the fear; after all, fear is just false evidence appearing real, created by your imagination, highlighting all of the things that “might” go wrong–it never highlights all of the things that can go right!
First, identify what fears are keeping you from your next chapter.
Then, treat these fears as obstacles, much like we would if we were to create a life plan, and ask your Self the following:
“What can I do about this fear?”
“How can I do it?”
“When will I take action?”
“Who do I need to help me?”
Be honest. Sit with your answers. Watch the fear go away as you realize the unknown isn’t as unknown as you think; it’s not scary, and while yes, there is risk, there is incredible upside.
Eventually, the unknown will be something you look forward to because of all the possibilities and opportunities ahead of you.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,