Making the transition from Year 11 to Year 12 easy for students and teachers
Our most recent articles have discussed how Sapphire Key Solutions can benefit students, teachers and schools. So, you might be asking yourself how it works, and why you should implement it in your school.
The simple answer to this question is to TRIAL the Sapphire software for FREE.
That’s right, no obligations, no lock in contracts! Just an opportunity for you to witness how it works, so you can make an informed decision for yourself.
Year 11 students in some Australian states have commenced Year 12 studies this term, whilst others are currently finding themselves getting ready to transition into Year 12.
For some students this is a smooth shift, whilst for other’s the mere thought of the study load that awaits them in the new year can be very overwhelming.
Testing Sapphire at this optimal and crucial time of the school year can help:
Teachers – by providing the ability to mark paper assessments online and receiving a detailed analysis of individual student results, whilst saving time.
Students – by having a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, they will know exactly where they need to focus their energies in order to improve and achieve the results they want.
Sapphire is a key ingredient for success for those students making the leap from Year 11 to Year 12. Why?
Because it allows teachers to set clear goals tailored to each students’ needs, thus, empowering them and encouraging them to work harder towards their goals.
Year 12 does not need to be overwhelming. Successful students know that it’s not about working harder – because the workload increase from Year 11 to Year 12 is not as substantial as most may think – it’s really about working smarter.
Successful students know how to use time not just efficiently, but effectively – meaning that they understand, and are given direction from their teachers about how to schedule their time and stay organised.
We would be absolutely delighted if you would like to take up our offer for a free trial of Sapphire, so please feel free to contact myself directly, or via our website at
Sapphire can make light work of monitoring student outcomes and provide a strategic approach to achieving higher productivity by taking the effort out of manually marking assessments.