Making Time for the Important Things
Do you feel that your life is fairly well balanced? One of the principles that should guide all of us is to seek balance in every aspect of our daily lives. That means avoiding extremes.
When we consider the weight problems that are currently affecting more and more people in industrialised nations, we can see that people are often drawn to extreme diets in an effort to correct their problems. But our bodies have evolved to naturally seek a state of balance. Extreme regimes are more likely to introduce further levels of imbalance. So, what's yhe answer?
We take the view that life is a precious gift that deserves to be cherished and enjoyed. Giving yourself permission to enjoy things is extremely healthy and promotes a very positive feeling of self-worth. When you value your body, you naturally treat it with the care it deserves and avoid things that cause harm. But enjoyment is a powerful aspect of the human condition and when you opt for extreme regimes, you might be hurting yourself as a subtle form of self-punishment. Celebrate the gift of life and enjoy your body the way that nature intended. Seek balance in all areas of your life. Make time for your friends and for your family. I’ve worked with incredibly successful people who scheduled time in their diaries for these vitally important parts of their lives, setting aside precious hours to be with their partners and children. They insisted that it was a sign of a truly successful human being and I could see the wisdom in their choices.
Make time for the important things in your life today. Avoid extremes wherever possible. Celebrate your life and the lives of everyone around you. Let's make the world a better place to share.