Making Things Right
I spoke last weekend at the wedding of a couple who, in their own words, said they wanted to get married in order to “make things right.” If you’d like one of the best tips for how to “make things right” in your own life, I hope you’ll read this message. Whether you’re single, married, or just want to know what’s next for your life, I believe this message contains something for you. Here are the words I spoke to them, and about them, on their wedding day…
You know, it’s a miracle what you two are experiencing today, and what we’re witnessing today.
When I met with Jeffrey and Misti recently to talk about their wedding today, they told me that when they first met each other, they were just friends. Neither of them was sure that they wanted to be in a relationship.
In fact, they were both looking for reasons why it wouldn’t work. Each of them had been seriously hurt by previous relationships, and neither of them was sure if they wanted to enter into another one.
But over time, they truly fell in love. And now they can both say wholeheartedly, “I’m so glad that we did.”
Misti said: “This is the the best relationship I’ve ever had. I feel more comfortable with him than anyone.”
To which Jeffrey added: “Definitely!”
I asked them why they wanted to get married now, after all this time. They’ve already been together for several years, and they’ve had two beautiful children along the way. “Why now?” I asked them.
Misti said: “We’re ready for it. We want to write our story together. We want to make ourselves a whole family, to close that circle, and to grow in our relationship together.”
Jeffrey said: “We want to make things right. We want to get rid of the things in the past and move forward for the future, to better our family, to set a good example for our kids, and to be a good role model for others.”
And then, Misti added, like a kid in a candy store: “I wish it were already here!”
They are so excited to get married! And that makes me so excited for them! They really do want, and are truly getting, a fresh start today–right now, right here–in the presence of all of you who love them and who have so graciously come to support them in this decision.
Although they made their decision to make things right many months ago, today is the culmination of that decision. That one decision has put into motion all that you see today. And the impact of that decision won’t stop here. This is just the beginning. Their decision, as stated in their own words, “to make things right,” will have an impact not only on them, but on many others, for GENERATIONS to come.
As Misti said: “It’s CRAZY how it has turned out for us, from where we started to where we are now.”
And the key to their decision, as Jeffrey and Misti would be the first to tell you, was that they have invited and allowed God to speak into their decision-making process.
There’s a verse in the Bible that describes how this works. When you ask God for help in making your decisions, here’s what the Bible says God can do for you, as recorded in the book of Isaiah chapter 30, verse 21. It says:
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21).
Let me read that again:
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21).
The key to making good decisions, to making things right, is to ask God–then to listen His answer, whether it comes in a voice that is still and small, or whether it comes in a voice that is loud and booming. Either way, God will speak in answer to your prayers, and if you’re listening, you’ll hear a voice in your ears from behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Jeffrey and Misti, you have asked for God’s wisdom. You have invited Him to speak into your lives. And you have walked forward in the wisdom that He has given you. Today’s wedding is one more evidence of that truth being lived out in your lives.
My encouragement to you, from this day forward, is to continue doing what you’re already doing. Keep loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength, and keep asking Him to speak into your lives. Keep listening for His voice. And keep doing whatever He speaks to you, whenever He speaks to you, saying: “This is the way; walk in it.”
If you do that, your marriage, your life, and the impact you will have on everyone around you will exceed even your own wildest imaginations.
P.S. Jeffrey and Misti also made the wise decision to listen to the godly counsel of others who had walked this way before, and who helped them grow in their faith and understanding of which way they should go. If you’d like more tips for how to have the best possible marriage you can have, I’ve posted my book, “15 Tips for a Stronger Marriage,” online for free at this link, or you can order the paperback from our online bookstore at this link.