Mike Broderick
Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor, Tri-Cities Mental Health , Fraser Health and BCGEU Shop Steward
Last week, one of my resume writing colleagues and LinkedIn group contributor John Sattler commented that he noticed a bit of a slowdown in work to mark the first month of 2017. While I haven’t noticed it myself, as I keep myself busy by doing value added work for my existing clients (such as updates and web profiles etc.), I can see where an issue like this could be blamed on Donald Trump. Everyone is procrastinating and waiting for America (and every other Western country by default) to be great again.
Job seekers are waiting to return to the days when they won’t need a resume to get a job. America was great when all one had to do was write their names on a paper shopping bag or the inside of a cigarette package to score that dream job. Now only plastic bags exist, and nobody smokes.See MAKING THINGS GREAT AGAIN at