Making Space for Something Better
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was from a mentor who took me under his wing when I was starting out in life. I'd been complaining about a lack of money and, to my surprise, he asked me what my wardrobe looked like. I thought he was referring to my clothing and my limited choice of shirts and ties as an influence on my cashflow. But he was only interested in how much space I had in my clothes closet. The fact is that the cupboard was full, overfilled with old items that I was hanging onto in case they might come in useful one day. My mentor told me that, if I really wanted to have new things in my life, I had to make space for the new things to appear. I didn’t understand the underlying principle but I reluctantly cleared out the old, worn-out items and discovered that three-quarters of my cupboard was now empty.
And then something strange happened. To my complete surprise, opportunities started showing up in my life that brought a major increase in my income. We could interpret this as a powerful psychological phenomenon. It’s possible that the opportunities were always present but that I was not open to them. By symbolically creating space in my life for new things, it served as a catalyst for initiating very positive changes in my career. This is a fabulous, direct method for clearing out all the clutter that can cast shadows from the past on our plans for the future. I would highly recommend it as a regular exercise in psychological hygiene.
Clearing out the old drawers and closets can certainly feel exhilarating, a liberating act of independence that frees us from the influences of the past. But you can probably appreciate that the same principle applies equally to the contents of our hearts.
If you’re holding onto the remnants of a failed relationship, for example, there won’t be much room in your emotional wardrobe for someone new to enter your life. Anger, fear, grief and resentment can take up most of the space in your heart. That doesn’t leave any capacity for the kind of loving, caring, supportive relationships that we know are the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. So, make space in your home for new opportunities to show up. Make space in your heart for happier, healthier experiences. Let go of the physical and psychological residue of the past and embrace a brighter, more fulfilling future.