Making Sense of It All:  The Curious Coronavirus

Making Sense of It All: The Curious Coronavirus

? 2020 Jim Grapek, MMH, CBP (Biofeedback Practitioner), The Pavilion Founder & CEO

Seriously? Is this crazy or what? Worldwide quarantines and lock-down restrictions on nearly everything in our lives, all while the infection rate seems to be declining! Really? Can these epidemiologists be that far apart? Still, locking down the country over a virus that has about killed less than 100 Americans in the last 2 months, while roughly 8,500 people have died during that same time from flu and pneumonia, is a stunner. Even when the supposedly more virulent 2009 H1N1 pandemic hit under President Obama and millions were infected, there were no mass closings, no lockdowns. And even that turned out to be more bark than bite. Reporters found that the pandemic was hyped to make billions for the vaccine industry, the World Health Organization, and the CDC. 

Another thing. Why are the authorities acting as if you and I don’t have immune systems? Don’t they teach this in medical school? Nary a word is being said about boosting our immune support – as in take extra vitamin C, get plenty of rest, and so on. I think that’s odd. Think about it. Do “healthy” people always get sick every time someone around them gets sick? No... thanks to our immune systems. In fact, as I know from my work, we are already carrying many of these germs (pathogens) inside of us all the time, yet our immune systems keep them in check. So, is this “mild” virus -- as it has been called -- any different?


Let’s establish a common sense baseline here. The New England Medical Journal, a number of infectious disease docs, and researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have said that this coronavirus (Covid-19) may cause symptoms which are about the same as a "bad cold," with a higher chance of pneumonia and complications for those who are older or immune compromised. To quote the internationally recognized author and stem cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, “If you have ever had a cold or flu in your life, odds are that it was the result of a coronavirus infection. Yes. Coronaviruses cause colds.”  Okay. He doesn’t seem too worried.

Oh, one thing to be aware of: The WHO and CDC changed the definition of “deaths from seasonal flu” to “deaths from flu or pneumonia.” That greatly inflates “flu mortalities.” Still, what these experts are saying doesn’t seem to jibe with the videos we are seeing from Italy, South Korea, and that cruise ship, so I will cover that in the "In Search of Anwers" section.

More baseline questions to add include: Is there proven causality?  Maybe the coronavirus is a secondary complication as they're now finding in Italy?  The facts are still imprecise. Many agree with Professor John Edmunds at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who says that a lot of the (mild) cases are not reported, and feel the WHO’s Tedros Adhanom is overstating the fatalities causing unnecessary panic… and that the fear and panic may be worse than the virus, itself. Is this intentional? Could be. It just came out that the WHO is working with social media platforms to censor alternative viewpoints and the free flow of information – like the researched, proven effectiveness of vitamin C. What does this tell you?

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One thing we do know, amid a lot of uncertainty and likely opportunism by Western vaccine makers – is that our world is being transformed at alarming speed in ways just months ago we could not have imagined. 

As one Krista Moyer wrote on Facebook, “And just like that, the government controls all sporting events, concerts, jobs, colleges, medical facilities, whether or not you can leave your house, […] controls all travel…. And you guys wonder why they develop and use viruses to scare the public? They now control you and everything about your life. All freedom has been limited overnight. Mass panic, hysteria, complete control of, literally the world. Over a virus. One that has an extremely high survival rate. See how easy that was?”

Krista seems spot on. The question we need to ask then, is ‘Why?’ Why the fear? Why is this really happening? This is 2020! How can the world’s health organizations NOT know we have immune systems, and that stirring up fear and panic weakens them and makes us more vulnerable to illness? 


What if we are not being told the whole truth? OMG! (Oh, wait. Sorry. That’s like every day, now.) Still, this is one of those rarer times where global organizations, like the U.N. and the World Health Organization (WHO) along with the CDC, are controlling the worldwide narrative. Could this be some kind of coup? I mean, let’s be honest about it. These organizations all have long histories of corruption and close ties to what is now the "military / industrial / telecom / pharmaceutical complex" (the complex). Think about it for a minute: A history of corruption… ties to special interests… are we dealing with organizations here that have integrity? That are looking out for our best interests? Likely, not. So what is going on? Good question. There are a number of plausible theories out there. 

First, some say this could be a political play from Democrat extremists and socialists around the world to hurt our economy, knock out President Trump, and install a socialist regime or perhaps a U.N. run world government. (Yes, not in our best interests, either.) Complete nonsense? Maybe, but in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the world’s leading backers of eugenics, published a report in cooperation with the Global Business Network, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.” One scenario, “LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership…” lays out a PANDEMIC scenario. Caused by a wild animal, it creates disruptions around the world. During this pandemic, which shuts down our economies and brings local business to a halt, leaders everywhere flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions – which continue on even after the pandemic had passed. Hmmm… so maybe there’s some truth here?

Second, could the new 5G wireless technology be somehow at cause, or be exacerbating, this illness? It sounds like there were full scale rollouts of 5G just recently, in Wuhan, South Korea, Iran, some cities in Italy, and on a certain Cruise Ship. (Only 20% of the ship got infected, btw, even though it was like a “petri dish” there.) In addition to the fact that 5G, like all wireless radiation, affects our health and the immune systems, ( there is evidence that its 60 GHz frequency causes oxygen to “vibrate,” making it harder for blood hemoglobin to pick it up and oxygenate the body. A lack of oxygen would lead to symptoms similar what we’re seeing with Covid-19: Dry coughs and respiratory problems, immune system collapse, blueish lips and skin, kidney failure, and flu symptoms. (Here is a technical paper for those interested.)

60 GHz, 5G MM waves Affect Blood O2 Utilization

Third, could this whole thing be about pharmaceutical profits, like in 2009 when the vaccine manufacturers falsified information in order to get $1.5 billion for their vaccines? Is there a reason to believe we are not seeing that again? After all, the drug companies are not only a global force, they are today (as in right now!) the largest criminal defrauders of the United States government. The bottom line: The industry we rely on for our health and matters of life and death, is plagued by a criminal lack of integrity in their C-suites. They have consistently put profits ahead of our lives.

Fourth. Could this be some kind of “Q” Special OP by President Trump? Could the virus lockdowns be a cover distraction so “the swamp” can be drained and “deep state” criminals arrested as many #Qanon followers believe? Say what? #Qanon? If you haven’t heard of “Q” and what seems to be morphing into a global freedom movement, here is a primer: (Pretty interesting!)

FifthCould this event be triggering some kind of esoteric or “spiritual demarcation point?” There are a lot of Christians who believe we are in an ‘End Times’ battle between good and evil – with the evil ‘666’ being seen by many as the elite – the power brokers who, like Jeffrey Epstein, they see as followers of Satan. (I suppose there could be some truth in that. I mean, this is kind of mean society they are running.) AND they recently added a study group at the U.S. Naval Academy on Satanic Worship. Yup. ( There are also a lot of “spiritual new age” groups all talking about “ascension,” which I see as kind of the same thing. Ascension goes something like this: Our Earth is energetically SPLITTING into two, right now! Depending on your character or vibrational frequency (remember E=MC2 …we really are energy) -- you will either stay on this ‘same ol same ol’ third dimensional earth, or you will move up to a more loving, fourth dimensional earth. Nicer people, your body doesn’t die (maybe), and better food. (Okay, I made the food part up.) I suppose we could also view these as “God’s Earth” and “Satan’s Earth.” Far-fetched? Sure. Yet, with science proving that we actually “co-create” our physical (remember it is energy) reality in every moment through our thoughts, intentions, emotions, and FAITH, then this becomes absolutely possible. You just have to have faith and believe it. Which means if you want to be safe, this would be a good time to start picturing living on the Earth you would prefer, picturing this pandemic “blowing” over, and putting a lot of faith (belief) into it. Pretty cool, actually.    

Sixth. Maybe it is a little of all of the above? Or maybe none of the above? Personally, my hunch is that it is a little of all of the above. But, regardless of the answer, in light of the latest REAL science (or the science I subscribe to, anyway), the best thing I can do for myself and my family (which includes all of you), is to 1) support my innate immune system, 2) hold fast to my belief that everything happening is for my/our highest good, 3) stay calm and positive, and 4) follow the advice in the Fifth point above, and spend time mentally creating that brighter future I would like to experience. (It's a great plan, all built around The Pavilion, of course.) I’ll talk more about that, and the huge opportunities now before us, in my next blog. 


For those curious about what I am doing (since I am also a health professional), I am simply doing what I always do. On weekdays -- my ON days -- I take about 2,500mg of high quality Vitamin C; 5,000 units of Vitamin D, 3,000mg of Spirulina, one or two Zinc lozenges, and ionic minerals... and I sprinkle in some good B vitamins, iodine (Lugol’s solution), and selenium now and then. I try to eat a light dinner before 6:30, I cut out late night binges, I get in 4500 steps (walking) or exercise each day, and I take 3mg of time release melatonin before I go to sleep. Also, I don’t beat up on myself if I miss my routine sometimes and I take the weekend off. 

 My fiancé Alexi and I also use a PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field) therapy mat 8-minutes a day for immune support and oxygenation, we shut down our Wi-Fi at bedtime and use “protection” to minimize radiation on our cell phones and home, and we run bioresonance biofeedback sessions on ourselves twice a month to help keep all of the pathogens we all carry 24/7 – including the coronavirus -- in check, and to support all health functions. (These devices will all be available for you to use, by the way, at The Pavilion.) 

 Coming next, THE CORONA VIRUS OPPORTUNITIY, so stay tuned.

With blessings and best wishes for your health,


Thank you. Good to hear from you again.


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