The Making of Royal Crowns & Divine Destiny
Marelle Couture
Creative Consultant, Sustainable Fashion, Owner & Head Designer at Hopscotch Couture/Marelle Couture, Wearable Fine Art
Although each and every Royal Crown I create come out quite differently it always begins with one single piece. It may be brass, tarnished silver, broken jewelry, wood, or even glass. Something catches my eye and the process begins. Each crown is created in the same way…..every piece of the crown is dependent on the others. Like dominoes in reverse.
This particular crown I wanted to create a grand piece of art with many surprises hidden in and around. Only pieces of age and wisdom, tattered by time and memories are used. I feel like I am giving a second life to something that had great meaning to someone from long ago. My hope is that it makes them happy, not forgotten.
Many different methods are used depending on what materials I am using. For this crown a special industrial epoxy was used for much of it. In some cases one single piece would take days for the epoxy to cure before I could continue.
That beautiful beaded bottom fabric was once on a beautiful vintage dress. All torn and tattered….all but for it’s best feature, the collier. The little cherub, a milk pitcher, even an old train token. Anything is fair game. We have smashed type writers and old clocks that stopped ticking years ago. And for what? You know the saying…” You can’t take it with you.”….. but that does not mean a little piece of you can’t live on. I wonder who the woman was that wore that brass headband or the one who used the upside down thimble holding it in place. The love that was put into each piece of clothing she sewed or sock she mended, now sits atop a crown of great stature.
Old key holes, not ones you can buy at a craft store…no no no. These you find at salvage yards, estate sales and on it goes. Do you see the fishing lure on the left? That was mine from my own tackle box. It was given to me by my father, I prefer live bait so on the crown it went. I always always put a lil bit of me in each and every piece I make. Not just the crowns….in everything.
Details in this crown are abundant. The tiny cherub is now surrounded by many new creatures, treasures and he now delicately holds the Blessed Mother charm on his wing. This is what I wanted when I started this piece. Surprises from every angle. The more you look the more you see. Many of my pieces have little containers or pill boxes you can open. Some owners of my work may never even find them….it makes me smile.
Surprises abound and surround this piece of wearable art. The furs I use are and always will be vintage. I use torn coats, outdated for some reason or another, shawls, hats, etc. You may not agree with my reason for using it at all. That is understandable. I am and always will be an animal lover. My father and I use to stop even on highways to grab a turtle, or hurt bird. Cars flying past us on windy upper part of Route 23, where no one can see what is ahead…all to save a snapper turtle. I detest animal cruelty in all forms. I am also a realist….sadly there is a market for fur items. We all know this, I feel and I pray by using vintage fur, perhaps that is one less animal used for fashion. I also believe it pays homage to the creature that wore his or her coat with pride. That is why Hopscotch Couture will never ever use new materials, not fur, not silk, etc. Not on my watch.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown…….Wear it well.
Photographer Presley Ann
Model Kristina Schroeder
Hair and Makeup by T Cooper Mua
This majestic crown below was created with the same attention to detail. Like all the crowns before and after this one…..I allow them to become the Divine Destiny of their previous owners…..Decadence by Design.
We are all works in progress...broken bits here and there. Patina from scars of long ago. We are all here creating our own Divine Destiny. We are all Decadent by design.....Just consider the artist that created you.....Marelle Couture
Fine Art Photographer Top 1% 31+ K
9 年These are quite amazing!