Making room in your thinking for future alignment
making room for the prophetic

Making room in your thinking for future alignment

With information overload and constant demands on our attention, it is easy to focus solely on the immediate and tangible. We are often caught up in the relentless drive for productivity and efficiency, seeking results that can be measured and successes that can be quantified. Yet, amidst this whirlwind of activity, there is another dimension of life—one that invites us to step beyond the mundane and into a space where deeper wisdom and insight reside. This is the realm of prophetic alignment, where we make room in our thinking for divine direction, vision, and purpose.

At its core, prophetic alignment is about attuning our minds and hearts to a higher purpose or God-centred calling. The practice of aligning our thoughts, actions, and decisions with a vision transcends our limited understanding. Prophetic alignment isn’t just about predicting the future but about discerning the path that leads to the fulfilment of our deepest potential and calling. To make room for prophetic alignment in our thinking, we must first acknowledge that our mental frameworks often limit us. The routines, beliefs, and assumptions that guide our daily lives are shaped by our past experiences, cultural influences, and societal expectations. While these structures provide stability, they can also create blind spots that prevent us from seeing new possibilities or hearing divine direction.

Making space for prophetic alignment requires a conscious decision to step outside of these familiar boundaries. It means cultivating an openness to the unknown, the uncertain, and the unexpected—allowing room for the voice of the Spirit to speak into our lives. The first step toward prophetic alignment is cultivating a mindset of openness. Openness to change, to new ideas, and to divine inspiration. This doesn’t mean abandoning all logic or reason; rather, it is about complementing our intellectual processes with spiritual discernment. The most profound breakthroughs in life and leadership often occur when we are willing to release our tight grip on control and allow room for something greater to take shape.

In practical terms, this might involve creating space in your daily routine for quiet reflection, prayer, or meditation. These moments of stillness allow us to step back from the noise and activity of our lives and listen for the subtle promptings of wisdom that may otherwise be drowned out. It’s in these quiet spaces that we often gain clarity about our next steps, or sense a shift in direction that we hadn’t previously considered.

Openness also involves the willingness to embrace uncertainty. Too often, we resist change because it brings with it the discomfort of the unknown. But prophetic alignment requires faith in a greater plan—a plan that may not be immediately clear, but which unfolds as we continue to move forward with trust. When we surrender the need for complete understanding or control, we open ourselves to the possibility of divine guidance.

Prophetic alignment challenges us to expand our mental frameworks. This involves questioning long-held assumptions and exploring new perspectives. In today’s world, where information is abundant but often superficial, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we know it all. However, true wisdom comes from a place of humility—a recognition that our knowledge is always limited and that there is always more to learn.

One way to expand your mental framework is through intentional learning. Expose yourself to ideas, cultures, and viewpoints that differ from your own. Read widely, engage in conversations with people whose perspectives challenge you, and be willing to reconsider your own thinking through prayerful insight. This broadening of perspective creates fertile ground for prophetic insight to take root. Another key aspect of expanding your mental framework is the practice of gratitude. When we focus on what is lacking or on the challenges in front of us, our thinking becomes constricted. But when we intentionally cultivate a mindset of gratitude, we shift our focus to the abundance and possibilities that exist around us. This shift in perspective can open the door to new opportunities and insights that align with our prophetic purpose.

At the heart of prophetic alignment is the practice of listening—listening for divine direction in the midst of our daily lives. This requires not only an openness of mind, but also a sensitivity to the holy spirit. We must learn to discern the still, small voice of God or the divine whisper in the noise of the world.

This process of listening is both active and passive. It involves asking for guidance, seeking wisdom, and being attentive to the signs and confirmations that may come in various forms—whether through scripture, conversations, or seemingly coincidental events. But it also involves waiting with patience, trusting that the answers we seek will come in the right time and in the right way. Listening for divine direction is not about passivity; it’s about aligning our actions with a higher purpose. It’s about moving forward in faith, even when the full picture is not yet clear. As we do so, we often find that the path unfolds before us in ways we could not have predicted.

Prophetic alignment is not just about receiving vision—it’s about acting on that vision. Once we have gained clarity about our direction, it is essential to take steps that are in alignment with the insight we have received. This requires both courage and faith, as the path of prophetic alignment often involves stepping into uncharted territory. Aligned action may involve making bold decisions, letting go of old patterns, or stepping into new roles or opportunities. It may also require perseverance, as the fulfillment of a prophetic vision often takes time and patience. But as we take these steps, we begin to see the fruits of our alignment manifest in our lives—whether through personal growth, new opportunities, or the impact we have on others.

Making room in your thinking, diaries, budgets, habits for prophetic alignment is a transformative process. It requires a willingness to let go of limiting beliefs, to expand your perspective, and to listen for divine direction with an open heart and mind. But as you cultivate this practice, you will find that your life begins to align with a greater purpose—one that brings meaning, fulfillment, and a deep sense of peace.

Embracing prophetic alignment is not about escaping the realities of life, but about bringing your thinking into harmony with the divine plan for your life. It is about living with intention, moving with purpose, and trusting that as you make room for divine wisdom, you will be guided toward your highest potential.

Investing in future strategies is indeed important for growth and fulfillment. Tools like journals or goal-tracking apps can be quite beneficial. What methods do you find effective? Dave Food

Dr Motunrayo Duro-Ishola LLB, MBA, PhD

Entrepreneurial Self-Belief Coach | Mixed Methods Researcher | Entrepreneurial Thinking facilitator | Author | Founder of MinderTouch | … and much more

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Olusola Osinoiki

Author | Advisory Board Member | Speaker | Founder | Growth Strategist | Angel Investor | Relatable Coach-Mentor

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For books, I highly recommend "Atomic Habits" by James Clear for refining daily actions and aligning them with long-term goals, and "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries, which emphasizes the importance of adapting strategies based on feedback and data.

I love this. Many times in the place of uncertainty I get frustrated. Practicing gratitude and being open to new things is very wise and can lead to being very fruitful. Great post.


