Making poster for "The Azizyans" sitcom
Task given was to make a poster of a new sitcom to be aired on Armenia Premium Cable Television Channel, starring Hayk Marutyan. Hayk performs role of a family dad working hard having a family with his wife, 2 sons and a daughter. A classic sitcom plot is aired on Armenia Premium Channel - major cable channel produced by Panarmenian Media Group.
I like production for TV projects - you get off your cabinet, meet producers, develop idea and produce photo material that's gonna serve as basis for final product. And in periods like this I really adore my job of Design Department head of a largest media company in Armenia.
Since early September a video ad was published with Hayk Marutyan calling people to watch his sitcom soon - a politicized reel considering political active position the actor has. Looked nice as heating piece, but we had a task to move closer to the plot itself in further production.
Producers chose to have the original area of production as basis for location for the photo shooting.
A sofa as central spot for the photo was chosen using classic sitcom posters rule as prototype. I used 3 flashlights with softboxes to cover the area. I tried to evade shadows to lay on skin of backward sitting models and constructed a pyramid with central figure of the dad sitting a bit forward, 2 neighboring figures of the mom and a daughter a bit backward and composition concluded by 2 sons. In the background we had not so bright lights, making the background as passive as possible to have the central composition more accented.
The final chosen photo went into a photo editing stage - with all face and body details retouched and cleaned, and later on all bright and dark parts of the central figures were worked over, burned and dodged until I got that artificial effect of photo realistic illustration.
What we got afterwards was the logotype of the projects that I created beforehand and elements needed for publishing - Armenia Premium logotype and "Exclusively on Armenia Premium" sign.
Since October 31, 2016 the series are on air. Enjoy! :)