Making a positive impact!
Peter Anderson - Write Right
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Perhaps one of the most important things we can learn is that things will go wrong at some point or another, there is an inevitability about it but also a randomness. Once we have established this we move on to the vital lesson, and one where we can develop a positive reputation. In the real world, far away from the political spotlight there is one vital question that now needs to be asked. What do we do now, how can we recover the situation? Perhaps the hardest part of that question is that momentarily it requires us to nothing, just pause take in the situation and consider the options.
You hear the sound of someone falling in a neighbouring room, you enter the room and they are laying motionless, you call as you walk towards them they do not respond, you grasp their shoulders to rouse them. Now remember what I said, do nothing, take in the situation – did you see their hand on the power cable? There are now 2 people requiring assistance, and no other people around. Whatever has gone wrong, been forgotten someone needs to take a positive lead and how do we get out of this, who can help or advise us?
If you respond with “anyone any ideas as to how we move forward” then you will pull people together get them to think positively, even outside the box and this is a position where rank and position go out of the window. Sometimes, the most hare-brained idea can spark something in someone else in the room and a plan comes together.
But, oh dear if the reaction is “it wasn’t my fault it was ….” All you will end up with is acrimony, division and possibly and even worse mess than you started with. When things go wrong, you need to find solutions not scapegoats.