Making an offer on a home
Steve Houck
Broker/ Owner of Real Estate Partners, LLC | Team Lead of The Steve Houck Team at Real Estate Partners | Ridgeland, MS | Service Above and Beyond Expectations
" I read somewhere that I should always offer 5% under list".
Boy, how many times have I heard this? Either "Uncle John" told them this, because "Uncle John" has bought 10 houses before. Ok. What if the home is listed 8% over market value? Then you paid too much! What if it is in a hot market and it is listed at or below market value? Then you won't buy the home. My question for buyers is " Put yourself in the shoes of the seller. If he has a good home, it very saleable and there are many buyers interested, why would he take a loss?" Now , on the other hand, if it is in a bad location, bad lot, bad floorplan, etc., he will take a beating, just like the buyer who perceives it as a "Deal".
It is a deal if you can buy it below normal market value, but remember, when you sell it, it will be a "deal" for the next buyer, as it will go for below market value again, due to what problem makes it undesireable.
Mr. buyer, if you consider a deal as paying fair market value for a good home, then we are fine, but if you want a " deal" go find yourself another Realtor!