Making my Glock rock!
Making my Glock Rock!
I have been shooting the Hunters Supply 100 grain Flat Point .356 in my Glock 42 and what a wonderful experience it is. There is no smoke and they are incredibly accurate. There is also an average of about 100 fps increase in velocity over the standard lube bullets. This coating is very consistent even with extreme temperature variations. In the summer heat, I don't concern myself with melting wax and in the winter months, I do not have to worry about the wax breaking off the bullet.
From a hanloaders standpoint these bullets are a dream. I loaded 500 round on my Dillon 650 and when finished there was just a slight existence of powder on my hands that washed right off. The coating also protects my hands from lead exposer and I don't have to wear rubber gloves when handling them.
Jim Gosnell