Making the Most of Your Virtual Conference Attendance

Making the Most of Your Virtual Conference Attendance

Even in the new reality, post-COVID, virtual events will be here to stay. They are cheaper and greener, and can attract massive international audiences.

But, ugh, presentation after presentation, with lots of slides, poor lighting for speakers, and even poorer sound, can be an off-putting experience.

Having sat through several of these, I promised that the EOCP’s 2020 Conference will definitely not be like that. What are we doing:

  1. The EOCP team has put together an AV team with an incredible platform to ensure the speaker and delegate experience is excellent, and
  2. We are running four concurrent streams, each with a separate login so that you can attend different streams within the two days of the conference.

We also have some tips for how to make the most of your virtual conference attendance:

  1. After you register, add the event to your calendar right away (15-16 September);
  2. Once the program is finalized, choose the sessions you want to attend;
  3. Prepare your space so that you won’t be distracted by background noise or interruptions;
  4. If physical distancing permits, attend with other team members from your company’s boardroom;
  5. Make sure you have good internet connection and good sound – either with speakers or headphones;
  6. Get involved – ask questions, join the ‘Think Tank’ sessions;
  7. Have FUN!  Admittedly, attending an EOCP conference in person in downtown Vancouver with opportunities to network and enjoy the great meals we provide is the BEST, but virtual conferences can be fun, too!
  8. Register! Go to

I hope these tips help you get the most out of your virtual conference experience.

‘See you’ in September!


Kalpna Solanki, MBA的更多文章

