When you get a publication or influencer saying nice things about your product it’s a great feeling. However, this is only the first step of your promotion. There are a number of activities that follow, and each one must be handled delicately so as not to upset the balance!
The below may all sound pretty straightforward. However, if handled poorly they can jeopardise your chances of further coverage, or even cost your products some all-important sales. A slow, steady hand is what’s needed – there’s no race for first place.
- Sharing: Of course you should share the positive response on social media platforms, Reddit (if possible), etc. However, at the same time you don’t want to be spamming your audience. If you’ve set an embargo and have dozens of articles/previews/reviews going live simultaneously, stage your sharing out across a few days. There’s no race here – think about the potential negatives of being too forceful with your positives!
- Recording: Be sure to record the day, date and time of publication. And also the content creator. If they’re saying nice things, it’s possible they’ll be open to working with you again in the future. But just as with the above tips for social media, that doesn’t mean you should go ahead and spam them! As ever, take your time and ensure that you give the creator ample time to cleanse their palette before diving into your project again – it’s likely that they have hundreds of similar contacts also requesting coverage of some sort.
- Reacting: Finally, be sure to take onboard comments and criticisms. If an influencer is saying that your progression system is too complicated, maybe you should get more players who haven’t worked on your game to look at it? If a journalist says the launch window you’ve chosen will face some tough competition, do you really need to go up against those competing titles? You’ll find that most journalists and influencers have gained their audience through being educated in their field. Don’t ignore the warning signs and simply think that you know better!
Of course, all of the above are activities that we engage in daily at
Tiny Brains Ltd.
If you’re finding the potential uses of your coverage a minefield, feel free to reach out for some advice!