Making the most of the predictor
Navicom Dynamics
Portable Pilot Units (PPU) | Precision Navigation & Positioning | Specialized Offshore Mooring, Berthing & STS aids
"Nothing beats a well-trained Mk1 eyeball as source of information when you are more or less lined up and approaching the lock.
Nothing beats a high quality predictor as source of information when you have to make the S-bend towards the lock, with a vessel 45 metres wide, a lock 45.7 metres wide, and the last leg to the lock only just over a ship's length.
It is important to be equally trained in the use of both and to know which is appropriate when." - Capt. Ed Verbeek
Capt. Ed Verbeeks' informative article in Seaways, July 2016 ed. discusses making the most of predictors, and when to use them and when to ignore them. Download the article.