Making the most of the day #MediaToMarket
Every day, I learn more and more about the farm lifestyle, the new habits, the crucial mindset change needed to thrive in the agriculture sector. Today, I was asked about taking on a new crop, mid crop.
Now, I am accustomed to multi-tasking, multi-business management, cross-departmental thinking, all whilst making an espresso and cutting a fresh cohiba, but this request scared me. I, physically, didn't get how we were going to start a new crop, whilst working the current one, without extra hands to help.
Our operation is non-mechanised. The bull work is done by my father in law and myself, and the support by my mother in law and my wife. And bull work is not my norm, if you know me, you know I never pushed a lawn mower in my life, far less, a whacker, spray pan, or a hoe. We're currently working on celery, a planned crop whose price has been severely affected by the current global virus attack, decimating economies around the world. This makes the work a little harder, as buyers are scarce. It also means, in the mind of a farmer, "what else can I do to make up for the shortfall in price?"
Despite long days, there are always opportunities to shave off a couple hours for a new task. Traditionally, we avoid the peak sun, between 11am and 2pm, so now I imagine these 3 hours will be used to plan our new crop to bolster revenues. New mindset uploading...