Making Money Online is An Open Book Test But Most People Are Too Lazy to Copy the Answers

Making Money Online is An Open Book Test But Most People Are Too Lazy to Copy the Answers

Damn near anyone can make $10,000 per month as a content creator or online business owner.

99 percent of people who try won’t even make it close.

Actually, the number is 94 percent according to one of my entrepreneur heroes, Leila Hormozi.

Anyway, the reasons why most people fail to succeed at making money online are mostly ego-based.

It takes humility to be successful at making money online and humility is a trait that a lot of people think they have, but don’t.

Let’s go through a few examples of this in practice.

If You’re Learning From Someone Who Has What You Want, Don’t Make Assumptions

Daniel son didn’t understand why he needed to wax that damn car over and over again.

“Wax on, wax off”

It wasn’t until he got into a fight that he understood the waxing motion gave him the muscle memory needed to block a strike.

A lot of people who try to learn how to make money online are a lot like Daniel.

There are so many resources available to you that’ll help you make money online. You just have to do what they say, verbatim, before you make any judgments about them.

Good students have this attitude:

I’m not exactly sure how this will turn out, or what the point of some of these exercises are, but I will do as I’m told and see what happens

Students who struggle and usually fail to finish courses or use resources properly will start questioning the advice given. They’ll even get argumentative about it.

This would be like someone who’s out of shape asking a personal trainer with an eight-pack why they should do ten reps per set instead of just fucking doing them.

If you want to succeed at making money online, you need to be coachable.

Being coachable comes from the humility it takes to admit you don’t know what you’re doing. If you did know what you were doing, you’d be doing it already.

If someone tells you a strategy about how to make money online you’re not allowed to credibly judge it until you see the strategy all the way through without skipping any steps.

Build Your Make Money Online Curriculum

If online business is like an open book test, then the educational resources are like classes you take to get your ‘degree.’

Alex Hormozi, Leila’s husband, made this excellent point about the attitude people have about online courses.

They take one course and throw up their hands in disbelief if they’re not a millionaire the next day. Again, this comes from hubris.

You wouldn’t consider yourself done with college if you took one gen ed class for three credits, so why would be any different when it comes to education on making money online?

People’s brains are wired strangely to me. It’s a big deal for them to spend $500 on a course but they spent $50,000 to get a degree that makes them five figures.

Go figure…

Me? I’ve continuously pieced together the information I’ve learned from online courses and built my own degree of sorts. The upside is crazy.

A solid online course that can teach you how to make money could cost $500-$2,000 — pennies compared to a degree.

If you spent $10,000 total on course and didn’t make at least $100k from them, a 10x return, you either took the worst courses ever or you didn’t follow through with the information.

1/10th or 1/100th the cost of a degree with a 10 to 100x ROI potential. It’s a no-brainer decision if you’re smart.

But that pesky ego gets in the way again.

To fully embrace online education, you’d also have to admit your degree wasn’t a great investment compared to your other options.

You’d have to let go of that status and identity you’ve built around formal education.

You’d have to start over.

It might take you another four years to see a payoff from your make-money-online education.

It makes you seethe a little bit to see that other people are making way more money than you selling these strategies, so you don’t want to line their pockets even more.

That’s cool, I will. I understand the value of online education and I’ll triple down on this strategy forever:

“Invest in yourself until you can’t possibly spend money to learn more skills.” - Alex Hormozi

I went from investing $197 into blogging courses to spending $10k plus to learn advanced business skills.

It’s paid off every single time.

This is how you make it in the make money online world.

The Difference Between Me and Most Other Creators

Hell, it’s the difference between me and most other people.

I’m an expert at following directions.

If a program says to do something, I’ll just do it, exactly the way they say to do it, even if I don’t like it.

I actually hate taking online courses, but I grit my teeth and finish them because I want the results. And I get them.

I’m unemotional and work with a cold and calculated rationality. As much as I’m confident, even arrogant, I’m not too self-important to listen to someone who has what I want.

Ironically, some of the people who scoff at the idea of making money online because they’re “too humble for that” are the most self-centered people you’ll ever meet.

They’d rather hold tight to their idea of the way the world works and refuse to change their minds rather than just win.

Couldn’t be me.

Hope it’s not you…

Here are some links to other cool things you’ll enjoy:


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