Making a Milestone Count
As I reach the milestone of turning 50, I find myself reflecting on life and wondering about my impact on the world. My CV shows I have accomplished a lot but I know there is more I want to do to make a difference. I believe Ovis will be my life’s work.
I started Ovis because I knew there had to be a way to end fake news and hold journalists, or so-called journalists, accountable for spreading disinformation and misinformation. Over the years, Ovis has morphed from a small group of dedicated idealists into a community of people who believe they can make a difference. I want to thank everyone who has joined Ovis and is taking a stand against misinformation and disinformation.?
As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I am invigorated by my mission. With the input of our community, I plan to bring Ovis to the masses. But we are starting as a hyperlocal news source, covering Hayward. Our First 100 Club, which is by invite only, will be our beta testers and the first to pitch the stories that we hope will become the standard for news everywhere. We have also launched the Ovis Foundation which is dedicated to developing and funding educational programs with Northwestern University, my alma mater.
I’m so excited about the future of Ovis and the promise of this new chapter in my life. Help me make my birthday wish come true and join me in the fight against fake news! Turn your idealism into influence. Donate to Ovis Foundation today!