Making Meaningful Connections In A Motion Filled World
Admittedly, after completing my nearly dozen manuscripts, whisking them off to my publisher's desk, and finally admitting to myself that I am actually an author, I began absorbing every detail of every article and video on natural organic medicine (in the form of herbs and vegetables, that is).
Amazingly, I found the following recipe. It has been in one of my personal notebooks for a few years now.
Effective Recipe To Cleanse The Liver
1 carrot
1 apple
1 beet
1 small bunch of parsley
ginger (1 piece)
juice of half a lemon
500 ml pf water
Add all into blender.
Pass through a sieve (strain or filter).
Use 3 times a week.
Drink 1 glass a day on empty stomach.
I suppose that all of these little recipes and the research and details of each of those lovely ingredients is what allows to stay at our healthiest and propels us toward a higher level of success. What I am trying to establish is that there is no secret formula to success of overnight cure that prevents us from being subject to these forces in the world that befall us (such as property taxes and the demands of the public school system), but all those decisions that we make on a daily basis is what lifts us up on wings of hope and opportunity.
Be brave, readers. Hold onto that hope. Never let those dreams run away from you without pursuing them. Courage is often simply an email or text message away. Sometimes courage to face all obstacles is only an article or book away. Perhaps this is why our local bookstores and Barnes & Nobles were always such esteemed places of mine.
Recently, I was watching a syndicated episode of The Danny Thomas Show which happened to be a cross-over episode with I Love Lucy. These characters have fascinated me since childhood with their vibrancy and depth of personality. In this episode, Ricky Ricardo (as portrayed by Desi Arnaz) explains to Danny Thomas why women shop so ardently. "Lucy is a force," Ricky explains, "The Russians wish that they had Lucy!" like so many other viewers, I watched silently, feeling my pulse accelerating while wondering what this line of dialogue meant. Then my mind began decoding the entire scenario and I wondered, could all of Lucy's antics over her career span in Hollywood somehow be linked to everything I have done over the years?
There were so many times when I wondered why I had followed the paths that I have. why did I choose to pursue Marriage and Family Therapy? Why did I choose to become an author of so many forms of literature? Why did I choose to build a social media platform and pitch my literary endeavors to so many publishers and literary agents? At the time, I thought I was just following a higher calling. Like so many of you, dear readers, I was aiming to reach a higher place within the realms of this world. I believed that my light and my voice could help motivate the world to reach a greater potential. What does motivate us to be kinder, gentler, more encouraging people overall?
Have you ever considered the law of physics? Motion is based on the concept that one action propels and creates another action. Eventually, there is a chain reaction and when all the components are aligned and harmoniously flowing, great results can be derived. This is the process which leads me to link my education and career as a Marriage Therapist to Desi and Lucy's infamous marriage and how it may be as contrived and fictionalized as most other aspects of Hollywood. As a screenwriter, I often piece together the fiction which we see on screen and the contrived Hollywood personas which were elaborately strewn together so the films we love and cherish could become box office phenomena. As a professional who has spent years studying theories of personality development, I wonder how much of these characters have become deeply embedded into the personality of the actor or actress.
Have you ever found yourself wondering whether the actor is the character in everyday life? Of course, this is never an intentional process but when a person absorbs a personality such as the personality of a character, that personality can remain with them for years.
Therefore, using the law of physics I find myself wondering how Desi and Lucy's marriage became a catalyst for my becoming a marriage and family therapist (unintentionally, of course). Likewise, if you reverse that same cycle and view time backwards, you might find yourself wondering whether my role as an author and a marriage and family therapist determined the stance Hollywood would take on their marriage and determine the outcome of how these individuals would project their marriage and family life to their fans and critics.
Honestly, I use Desi and Lucy as my hypothetical models because their level of celebrity and the dynamics of their producer and star relationship equips them for this comparison and analogy. So many others also fit into this category, but I perhaps am intentionally electing to protect their privacy and anonymity.
Therefore, remember to consider the law of physics with every important decision you make, each course you work and strive to complete, and every endeavor which you embark upon. We are all a component of an interwoven and complex system in which we can assist and imprint upon in a manner which brings enlightenment and encouragement to our friends and neighbors.
Happy Reading!
Melissa L. Blizzard
P.S.-- If you have read one of my screenplays and believe that you are a perfect fit to fill in one of the character roles, please fill out the sample form below and return the information to me.
Screenplay: ________________________
Character: _________________________