Making Meaning
‘Meaning making’ is the story we tell ourselves about what is happening in our life. When different events occur in our life we process them based on our past experiences to try and make sense of them. Often though when something traumatic or distressing occurs and we have no past experience of this, we can find it difficult to make sense of what has happened. You may find yourself talking to everyone about it as a way of trying to make sense of what has happened, or you may find your-self withdrawing and being consumed by your thoughts about what happened. The meaning that you give to a stressful or traumatic event can create a limited, constricted life story or can help you create a life you love with depth and insight. The meaning that you apply to events can either be unhealthy and weaken you, or it can be healthy and help you to create resilience. Examples of this can include:
But even if the meaning you made when an event occurred was unhealthy, it’s never too late to create a new, healthier one—to rewrite the story you tell yourself about what happened. Ways to begin exploring how you make meaning of life’s events is to consider the perspective that you take to how you operate in the world.
A great way to start meaning making is to journal what is going on for you, what your thinking, feeling and any questions you have. You can use this as a great counselling tool to discuss with your EAP Assist counsellor in order to decide if your happy with your meaning story or want to change it, ultimately the meaning you make of your life story is always up to you.