Making & Makespace March 2023

Making & Makespace March 2023

We’re just a quarter of the way through 2023 and so much has been made, moved, changed, and improved! We’ve had live drawing classes, illustrators and conceptual artists working in the space, and now a permanent art installation taking form in the entrance hall. With more Art at Makespace, we’re well on the way to transitioning from?STEM, to?STEAM!

Over the last 11 years, Makespace has grown from having just a pillar drill, to the wonderful space and community we have today—something that’s only possible with all of you––thank you to everyone who’s pitched in this year to help maintain, grow, and improve Makespace.

If you have something you’d like to exhibit in the space, or would like to get involved, please get in touch.

Jonathan Woolf

In this edition:

  • Open Week
  • 11th Birthday
  • Installation
  • Make the Space
  • CAD Club
  • Games evening
  • WoodWorking Hand Tool Area
  • BioMakers
  • Now hear this
  • Courses
  • How you can get involved

Open Week

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18 Members showed their work at the open days last week to celebrate our 11th birthday. It was a wonderful inspiration for everyone and we’d love to see more next year. Thank you all!

  • Members of?Ideaspace?came to visit and see the displays and the space.
  • We really impressed the events-coordinator from the Pitt Building and they’ve invited us all to exhibit at their popular Xmas fair this year.
  • Previous members remarked just how much the space had changed & how great the range of work was on display.

?? Did you know you can book the classroom for your own events? We’re always excited to have more going on!

Birthday Party ??

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Last month we showed?Kester?&?Claudia designing the artwork for the hallway which has now started to be made and put into place. Laser cut and painted flowers being mounted above the now sealed up ‘indoor flower bed’.

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Made something you would like to display, We’d love to see it!

Make the Space

Vinyl cutter: Mat C has returned the vinyl cutter to the craft room and integrated it with the sewing area. The cutter has its own shelf and can be slid out when needed. It’s computer and peripherals are all wall mounted. Awesome work - thanks.

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Happy to Help We prototyped and made ‘Happy to Help’ badges; wear one if you’d like to help new members.

All new members are given a great deal of info particularly when you join & over your first month when you start to train. What are the things that really helped make the space better for you?

?? This came about by a?discussion?on the google group about the 5 things part of the?Making & Makespace Feb?edition.

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Workshop Drawers

All tools and consumables removed and sort through. Space made for rolls of sandpaper and all the clamps.

This months Make the Space was on Saturday 25th hosted by Mat C and Lucian S. Thank you both and to any one else who helped out on the day.

Make the Space?April 29th @ 10am

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Led by?Dr. Footleg?who revitalised SolidWorks at Makespace.

Want to learn SolidWorks, talk through your project and meet others who are doing the same?

Come along!?Open to members and non-members every Tuesday 7pm

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Make & Play Games:

Play table-top role playing games, test newly created games and design, print and paint minis and more.

Keep an eye out for the next gaming session in May.

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Woodworking Hand Tool Area

The?handtool cabinet and training?is up and running. This area is being used for box making, wood carving and finishing projects.

Training is run by Ricardo who will be installing an area for sharpening & maintaining Hand Tools.

?? The Hand tools Cabinet and the tools were a Makespace project led by Bruno and a group of members who met every Tuesday evening designing and building not only the cabinet but teaching how to woodwork, use tools correctly and sharpen them. Thank you to everyone who helped get this new area up and running!


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More on?BioMaker?& Biology club

Look out for Leather Working Club on meetup.

Now hear this:

CamJam: CamJam 22nd April 2023

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Makespace is hosting?Cambridge Raspberry Jam. An event for everyone in the Raspberry pi family of computing devices and other technology, making and education. There will be a series of talks, organised workshops and a show and tell area for attendees.

This is the first time an event will completely take over the space. The event is ticketed (£3) and there will be no equipment/tools in use for members until 6pm (pack up starts at 5pm)

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Unfinished projects 2nd May at 7pm

As most projects leave the space when they are completed we are going to have an?'unfinished & in progress?right now show....and if you want to, tell'. The room will be laid out for members to display currents work and if you want to talk about it you can, or just answer questions.

You could talk about what tools, equipment you are using, where you sourced particular materials from, difficulties you are having with a particular piece of the project.

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Bruces table making course?is in its 4th run now and going strong. This month (March) was also the the first of the bird box making course (more on this next month…when the boxes are done

Belt making with Lucian.

Belt Making course incoming! Lucian has been upgrading the leather working kit in the craft room and will be offering a belt making course.

How you can get involved

We need:

  • A member(s) to give monthly demo’s on the Vacuum former (Orange)
  • Two members who can take ownership of the photography stuff & help improve the layout & usability. (Green)
  • A few members to help with memberships. See the Space tours and Inductions are the first step everyone takes at Makespace. This can be done at a time/date that suits you.

For the Orange and Green equipment pop in for a chat, no experience with this equipment is needed or email?[email protected]?The space always needs more help, sometimes in areas we don’t realise. Let us know if you’ve spotted something that needs work and how you’d like to help.

Makespace Equipment Pages

One of the?2023 aims for Makespace?is to show Making and all it involves to a wider Cambridge community and to involve Makespace in the wider Maker community. Have an idea, something you want to show, talk about, instruct or Make - we encourage you to do so. Need help? unsure how to start? drop us a line at [email protected] or come ask in person.

Making & Makespace March 2023.

Is there something missing? something you think should be mentioned in the next?M&M?edition. Let us know using?[email protected]

Happy Making.



